Keep Your Space Clean and Pleasant

This really depends on how much control you have over a space. At school, for example, you can't control how clean and pleasant to look at your whole classroom is; however, you can keep your desk clean and do your part to keep the rest of the room clean and nice. At home, keeping your room clean and taking time to decorate it can do a lot to improve your mood. When we're in a messy space with clothes on the floor, dishes in the sink, and the smell of both floating around, it usually has an effect on our mood and how we feel, even if we don't always notice.

It helps to form good cleaning habits. If you always push off cleaning tasks until they build up into 1-2 hours of chores, it's going to feel like a much bigger deal than doing these tasks in 10-15 minute chunks here and there. Just do it, don't wait.

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