Case Manager Resources

A SpEd manual in website form, CMR supports paperwork and related due process tasks. When it comes to actually teaching and working with students, we'll point you to the SCRED website or SEL website.

How do I run an IEP meeting? Who needs to be there, what to do if they're absent, and more!

How do I write an IEP, cover-to-cover? Every section of the IEP is here with examples.

A catch-all for everything that keeps us busy in between evals and annual IEP meetings.

What should I put in an eval. plan? What interview and observation forms should I use?

How does due process work from birth-to-3? A mini-CMR just for our littlest littles.

Need a hand?

Use the search button in the top right corner of this website. It works really well!

Visit the SCRED website (e.g., data, supplies, instruction, guidelines) or check MDE.

Contact your School Psychologist, a Services Coordinator, or your Special Services Supervisor.

Share feedback! Our feedback form is at the bottom of every page. We love to hear from you!

General Purpose Resources

Due Process Activity Lists - Master Copy

The DPALs help you keep track of all the tasks and paperwork involved in due process — before, during, and after the meeting. We also have a Part C version.

SpEd Forms Data Change Request Forms 2019-2020

Submissions to the SpEd Forms Data Change Request Forms help due process support staff to keep students' records up to date in the SpEd Forms database.

Part B SpEd Timelines Poster - Master Copy

The Part B MN SpEd Timelines Poster lists legally required due dates. Here's a helpful 🎥 video tutorial. We also have a Part C version of the poster.

Poster: School Year Timeline for Case Managers - Master Copy

The School Year Timeline Poster provides an overview of annual tasks so nothing sneaks up on you. You can check out more details on many of these tasks.

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