
The Bottom Line

Early intervention services:

Natural Environment

Early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities are provided:

Examples of Natural Environments:

Who Decides Where Services Will Be Provided?

The IFSP team determines the appropriate setting for providing early intervention services to a child and their family

The IFSP team may determine that a service will not be provided in a natural environment ONLY when early intervention services cannot be achieved satisfactorily in a natural environment.

Part C Services

Early Intervention services include but are not limited to:

Tips for Managing the Frequency & Length Discussion

Starting the Conversation

Including the Family

Other Things to Consider


Projected Start Date:

Enter the date that the specific service can reasonably expect to begin

Note: The start date for services as recorded in the student’s MARSS record is that date at which both the parent has signed the IFSP and the special education services have started.

Projected End Date:

SpEd Forms does include a field for the end date of services, and it needs to be completed in order to finalize the IFSP. However, the end date is not visible on the printed version of the IFSP. Because the printed version is what MDE would review for state monitoring, the end date is not a compliance concern.

If you are writing an IFSP following an annual IFSP meeting, listed services begin 14 days after the date the PWN is sent to the parent and they typically run for a duration of one year. Service Coordinators should indicate the end date of services as one of the following:


Anticipated Duration:

Enter the anticipated duration for services.

Length, Frequency, and Intensity:


Enter information on how a service will be provided. Early intervention services are provided in multiple ways. Below are examples of how services can be provided:

Actual Location:

Provide the setting in which the service will be provided (e.g., home, child care, ECFE). 

Funding Source if Other Than School:

For any service that is not funded through the education system, provide the source of funding. For example, when a public health nurse provides nursing services through the IFSP team process, the funding source could be reported to be Public Health. Similarly, if the county provides respite care that meets the definition of an early intervention service, the funding source may be County Social Services.

NOTE: This is a very rare situation. If a situation arises when you think you would do this, contact your Early Childhood Services Coordinator.

If IFSP team determines that the services can not be provided in the natural environment (natural environment is explained at the top of this page):

*If any of the services identified in the Part C Services Early Intervention grid are provided in locations other than the natural environment, they must be addressed in this section of the IFSP.

List each individual early intervention service that is provided in an environment other than a natural environment.

Important note: For children who receive services in multiple environments, the team must report in MARSS the environment in which the child receives the majority of his/her early intervention services. The IFSP does not include a space to document the setting code as this code may change during the time the IFSP is implemented. The appropriate setting should be determined by the service coordinator and communicated to the MARSS reporter for the early intervention program.

Needed Medical and Other Services Listed


The IFSP must identify medical and other services the child OR family needs or is receiving through other sources, but which are neither required nor funded under Part C of IDEA. 

If the identified medical and other services are not currently being provided, include a description of the steps the service coordinator or family may take to assist the child and family in securing these other services. For example, since childcare is neither required nor funded under Part C of IDEA, the IFSP team may identify childcare, if appropriate, as an ‘other service’ in this section of the IFSP. 


In the box titled, Needed Medical and Other Services, enter any needed medical and other services the child or family needs or is receiving through other sources, but are neither funded nor required under Part C of IDEA in the space provided on the grid. 

In the box titled, Steps To Be Taken To Secure Services (if services are not currently being provided), enter a description of the steps to be taken by the service coordinator or the family to secure the services. Including other services on the IFSP provides a comprehensive picture of the child’s total needs. The service coordinator to assist the family to access identified needed services, as appropriate, and to explore financial assistance for these services if necessary. 

If there are no needs for medical or other services for the child or the child’s family check the box that indicates this topic was discussed and that there are no needs at the time the IFSP was developed.