Procedural Safeguards

Part C (Birth-Age 3)


The procedural safeguards are a summary of due process rights that parents are entitled to. To comply with IDEA (34 C.F.R. 300.504) we must provide them to parents/guardians:

The school is responsible for the parent/guardian's understanding of the content of the procedural safeguards. It is not sufficient to simply offer a copy to parents. The IFSP facilitator must verbally review essential pieces of information:


“Before we begin the meeting, I would like to offer you a copy of the Minnesota procedural safeguards. This packet explains the legal rights and protections you have as a parent of a child receiving special education.

I will summarize the essential parts of this document. The school team will tell you in writing about evaluations, services, and other actions for Jill. You will get notice before we take any action and you will have time to decide what you think is right for your child. 

You and your child’s team will decide on services to help you accomplish the outcomes you want for Jill and your family. We will ask for your written permission for the services to begin. You do not have to agree to all the services. You can say no to some services and still get other services. You can change your mind about a service at any time.

 If we are unable to agree through the individualized family support plan (IFSP) process, you may request mediation. You also have the right to view or request copies of Jill's school records. Before we proceed with the meeting, do you have any questions about your rights and protections?"

Procedural Safeguards Part C.pdf

Procedural Safeguards (Part C)

NOTE: Translated versions are available from MDE.

In addition to the Safeguards themselves, a summary (right) was created and published on the MDE website and was adapted from the National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System (NEC*TAS) from Assuring the Family’s Role on the Early Intervention Team: Explaining Rights and Safeguards (2002) (p.4) by J.L. Hurth and P.E. Goff.

Stapling a copy to the safeguards packet helps you remember the basic information that needs to be reviewed, and it also provides the parent(s) with a helpful summary.


Summary of Part C Procedural Safeguards

Be Ready to Answer Questions

If evaluating both Part C and Part B:

You are required to follow all of the Procedural Safeguards for initial evaluations under each part, including separate Prior Written Notice and timelines.