Part C to B Transition Planning

"To support families during transition, the team should think carefully about developing transition plans that include individual activities for each child and family."

-Silva and Stone-MacDonald (DEC Recommended Practices Monograph Series No. 8: Transition)

The Bottom Line

The early intervention team must convene a transition planning conference with the family and local educational agency for children who may be eligible for preschool services.

The documentation of transition steps and services is required for all children served under Part C regardless of whether the team believes the child is potentially eligible for services under Part B. 


A transition plan, including all transition steps and requirements pertaining to the child and family, must be completed and documented between 2 years 3 months and 2 years 9 months

Part C SpEd Timelines Poster - Master Copy

Go-To Tools

The handy tools that help you get the job done efficiently.

Part C to B Transition Timeline
The timeline above to gives information on the general steps to be taken between a child's 2nd and 3rd birthday in regards to transition.
Part C to B Transition Flowchart
The flowchart above helps teams determine the transition steps and requirements that are needed based on each child.
Part C to B Transition Conference Agenda
Above is an optional agenda that can be used during a Part C to B transition conference.


The Part C to B transition plan is designed to review the program options for the toddler with a disability from the child's third birthday through the remainder of the school year. It includes steps to exit from Part C and any transition services needed by the child and family.

The documentation of transition steps and services is required for all children served under Part C regardless of whether the team believes the child is potentially eligible for services under Part B. 

Record each step of transition planning on the IFSP form and identify what will happen and the timeline for the transition steps and services. For example, for potentially eligible children whose Part B eligibility has not yet been established through an initial Part B evaluation, an important transition step would be the completion of such an evaluation.

A transition plan must be developed in the IFSP between 2 years 3 months and 2 years 9 months.

What is transition?

Transitions have been defined as "the events, activities, and processes associated with key changes between environments or programs during the early childhood years and the practices that support the adjustment of the child and family to the new setting." (Division for Early Childhood)

Transition includes all activities necessary to ensure that the next setting is appropriate to meet the educational needs of young children and their families. This page covers information regarding the transition from Part C Infant and Toddler services to Part B services preschool services.

Determining if a Child is Potentially Eligible for Part B Services

*Potentially Eligible

*Not Potentially Eligible

Part C to B Transition Flowchart
Click on the above flowchart to determine the steps and requirements that are needed based on each child.

*The documentation of transition steps and services is required for all children served under Part C regardless of whether the team believes the child is potentially eligible for services under Part B. Record each step of transition planning on the IFSP form and identify what will happen and the timeline for the transition steps and services.


If transition conference is held, send parents Notice of Team Meeting and individualize to reflect purpose of meeting. Provide copy of notice to all invitees.

At the transition conference, make sure to have a Record of Team Meeting for participants to sign indicating they were at the meeting.


Documentation of Transition Conference in IFSP

Prior Written Notice (PWN)

Send or provide parents with:

*File copy in child’s special education folder. 

Transition Conference

Part C to B Transition Conference Agenda
Above is an optional agenda that can be used during a Part C to B transition conference.

When discussing transition with parents:

Part C to B Evaluation Planning


If potentially eligible for Part B, the following Part B evaluation and IEP activities MUST be completed BEFORE the child's third birthday

Part C SpEd Timelines Poster - Master Copy

Considerations and Recommendations

Staff Availability: Consider staff availability if the child's third birthday falls between the months of June-September. Some required team members (i.e. preschool teachers, DAPE, etc.) may not be available in the summer to complete evaluation activities or attend an IEP meeting.

Services Must Begin at 3 Years Old: Make sure to leave at least 24 days (10 days to write the IEP and 14 calendar days for parents to review) between your IEP meeting and the day before the child’s 3rd birthday to assure timely services at age 3.

Part B Evaluation Prior Written Notice (PWN): Make sure to send the Part B PWN for evaluation at least 14 calendar days to for parents to review evaluation PWN + 30 school days to complete evaluation + 10 school days to write the IEP + 14 calendar days for parents to review the IEP before the child’s third birthday. 

Start Part B Evaluation: It is recommended that you start a Part B evaluation between 2 years 7 months and 2 years 9 months, to support being in compliance with timelines.

Other Considerations:

See the Part B Evaluation Planning page for more specific information on Part B Evaluations, including Prior Written Notices.

DEC Recommended Practices: Transition

TR1. Practitioners in sending and receiving programs exchange information before, during, and after transition about practices most likely to support the child’s successful adjustment and positive outcomes.

As we see in this practice, it matters what we do before, during, and after the journey:

TR2. Practitioners use a variety of planned and timely strategies with the child and family before, during, and after the transition to support successful adjustment and positive outcomes for both the child and family.

As we see in this practice, it matters what we do before, during, and after the journey:

✋ Frequently Asked Questions

I'm servicing a child who is receiving Part C services who is 2y 4m. His annual IFSP meeting is coming up and I would like to discuss transition (hold the transition conference) as well, but don't think I have enough information to determine whether or not the child is potentially eligible for Part B services. What do I do?

You could do one of two things:

If I get a referral for a child whose age is already between 2 years 3 months and 2 years 9 months. What do I do?

Refer to the IFSP evaluation CMR page for additional transition requirements for children who are referred between the ages of 2 years 3 months and 2 years 9 months.

Extra Resource

If you want to dig more into transition, this book is available in our SCRED lending library.