Present Levels of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance

The Bottom Line

The PLAAFP is explained through the following required components in the student's IEP:

Go-To Tools

The handy tools that help you get the job done efficiently.

Template PLAAFPs that can be pasted into SpEd Forms. ➡️

There are also templates right in SpEd Forms for PLAAFP in areas of non-need and transition PLAAFPs.




Daily Living, Motor, Employability +



What does it look like to discuss this topic during an IEP team meeting?

Check out these IEP meeting demo video(s) that model how to facilitate the conversation.

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Recommended location in IEP: 'GOAL' pages

thumbs up

PLAAFP in Areas of Non-Need

Recommended location in IEP: 'PRESENT LEVELS' page

graduation cap

Transition PLAAFP

Recommended location in IEP: 'PRESENT LEVELS' page

Strengths Statement Related to Goal Area

High-quality strengths statements focus on skills in the goal area and are conceptualized around a learning progression. These help the IEP team know what the student can do. 

For example, if the student struggles greatly with writing, but syntax is a relative strength for the student, highlight that in a strengths statement. Among other things, this info. helps service providers to target instruction on the skills where the student demonstrates greater need.

đźš« Avoid strengths that are vague and/or not related to the goal, such as:


"Sally demonstrates letter sound fluency expected for her grade level, and she uses expression when reading recognized sight words aloud. Sally utilizes quality reading strategies, such as supporting her reading rate and comprehension of text by tracking with her finger, identifying and underlining key terms, and re-reading text selections when she does not understand the material."

"Max appears to demonstrate empathy and perspective taking skills that are typical of non-disabled same-age peers. He responds appropriately to concerns expressed by peers and adults in his classes. During unstructured or apparently preferred activities, Max typically follows instructions quickly and without argument."

Specific, Observable, & Measurable Data

Once you have selected an appropriate measurement tool for your annual IEP goal, this section of the PLAAFP is straightforward:


"When presented with an unrehearsed level 4 reading passage with one minute to read, Sally currently reads at a rate of 85 words correct per minute. A non-disabled same-age peer would be expected to read 150 words correct per minute on level 4 reading passages."

"Max needs to develop greater proficiency in the skill of following instructions. Observers assess Max's performance of this skill by determining if he (1) Remained silent or said an affirmative word/phrase, such as “Okay." and (2) Without delay, did what he had been instructed to do. On a 0-10 rating form based on the skill steps listed, designed to assess the rate at which Max performs this skill when presented with opportunities (0=0%/”Never”, 10=100%/”Always”), and completed by all of his classroom teachers, Max currently obtains a rating of 56%. A non-disabled same-age peer would obtain a rating of 85-100%, indicating expected proficiency."

Student-Centered Needs Statement Related to Goal Area

Our annual IEP goals identify areas of educational need where the team expects the student to make progress, but it's less meaningful if we never articulate what this progress will do for the student and why it's important (i.e., "XXX needs to increase XXX because..."). 

If the student has post-secondary transition goals, this is a great opportunity to connect the annual IEP goals ("the steps on the staircase") to their post-secondary goals ("the destination.")


"Sally needs to develop greater proficiency in her reading fluency skills because this will help her to access and learn from reading activities in all instructional areas throughout her school day."

"Max needs to increase his level of proficiency with the skill of following instructions because this will increase his capacity to meaningfully participate in his classes and in routines throughout the school day. Following instructions appropriately throughout his school day will also help Max to build and maintain positive relationships with authority figures in the school setting."

How the Student's Needs Affect Participation in the General Curriculum

Without adaptations to the task, instruction, environment, etc., how would the student's functioning differ from a typically developing non-disabled peer in the same classroom?

You don't need to rewrite the accommodations and modifications, AT, or paraprofessional parts of the IEP here, but after reading your PLAAFP, someone should be able to review those portions of the IEP and understand why the specific supports were included.


"Sally’s inability to read at an expected rate and level of accuracy affects her capacity to finish reading assigned text with the same speed as her peers during whole group instruction and to comprehend text sufficiently, after one reading, to meaningfully participate in group discussion questions."

"Max’s inability to follow instructions at an expected level of proficiency affects his capacity to initiate engagement in group activities, maintain engagement when an activity is less preferred, and to respond appropriately to correction."

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Recommended location in IEP: 'GOAL' pages

thumbs up

PLAAFP in Areas of Non-Need

Recommended location in IEP: 'PRESENT LEVELS' page

graduation cap

Transition PLAAFP

Recommended location in IEP: 'PRESENT LEVELS' page

"Big Three" + Functional Performance

Per MDE, every students' IEP must include statements describing their present levels in:

Even if the student does not demonstrate a need for a goal/services in one of these areas, you still need to describe their present levels in that area in the IEP.

If the student does have a goal in one of these areas, they're "covered" in that area by their goal PLAAFP — but consider still using the full "non-need" template in SpEd Forms (see below). That way, if that IEP goal is ever dropped, this requirement is still met without you having to remember to add something.


Beth's present levels in the three main areas of academic achievement are described below:

Beth's functional skills are discrepant compared to same-aged peers.

The templates included in this document are exactly the same as the options included in the dropdown menu in SpEd Forms. 

This document simply exists to make them easier to browse.

PLAAFP in Areas of Non-Need - Dropdown Menu Items in SpEd Forms - Master
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Recommended location in IEP: 'GOAL' pages

thumbs up

PLAAFP in Areas of Non-Need

Recommended location in IEP: 'PRESENT LEVELS' page

graduation cap

Transition PLAAFP

Recommended location in IEP: 'PRESENT LEVELS' page

IDEA 2004 requires that, for students who have had a transition evaluation, the IEP must contain a PLAAFP statement that includes information regarding the students' strengths, preferences, interests, and needs in all five areas of transition.

Examples of transition PLAAFPs are available on a separate page of Case Manager Resources.

Areas of transition PLAAFP: