Meeting Attendance

Part C (Birth-Age 3)

Required IFSP Team Members

Parent(s) of the Child

Schools are obligated to work with parent(s) to schedule an IFSP meeting at a time and in a setting that is convenient for the family to ensure that one or both of the parents can attend and take whatever action is necessary to ensure that the parent understands the proceedings of the meeting, including arranging for an interpreter for parents with deafness or whose native language is other than English.

NOTE: There is no excusal process in Part C. If the parent or other required IFSP team member cannot attend (unless allowed to be involved through other acceptable means), the meeting must be rescheduled.

Two or More Individuals from Separate Disciplines or Professions

The IFSP team must be multidisciplinary, which involves including at least two individuals from two separate disciplines or professions, in addition to the parent(s). These individuals could include any of the following, as well as others:

When it comes to IFSP team membership requirements, one individual cannot meet the multidisciplinary component, even if they hold the licensure to represent two disciplines or professions. The IFSP team must include at least three individuals (parent, two school professionals). 

Service Coordinator

The service coordinator is the person designated by the school district who is responsible for implementing the IFSP. Typically this person is also the case manager of the child's IFSP, but that is not a requirement. 

Other Family Members and Advocates, as Requested by Family

It is acceptable for parents to request other family members or an advocate or person outside of the family to attend the IFSP meeting.

Prior to beginning the meeting, have parents complete a Release of Information form to document and clarify the level of involvement parents would like these persons to have on the IFSP team. For example, parents can indicate whether or not the school has permission to release and/or receive information just during the IFSP meeting or for an extended period of time.

Evaluators and Assessors

The person or person(s) directly involved in conducting the evaluations and assessments within the IFSP are required to participate on the IFSP team. 

For an initial IFSP, the evaluators and assessors are those involved in the initial evaluation process to determine eligibility and the strengths and needs of the child. For example, the Public Health Nurse that completed the Health History Assessment would be a required person on the IFSP team.

For an annual IFSP, the evaluators and assessors are those involved in collecting ongoing assessment data. Oftentimes, the service providers and the evaluators/asssessors are the same people in this situation.

Ideally, it is best if the evaluators and assessors can attend the meeting in person. However, if the evaluators and assessors are unable to attend the meeting, they are allowed to make arrangements for involvement through one of the following ways:

Service Providers, as Appropriate

Required IFSP Team Member Absences

As noted above, no excusal process exists within Part C. The only required team members that are allowed to participate through an alternative means are the evaluators and assessors. 

Therefore, if you encounter an unexpected absence of any other required IFSP team member, including the parent, the IFSP meeting must be rescheduled.

Unexpected Parent Absences

Q: The entire IFSP team showed up at the family's home at the agreed upon time of the IFSP meeting, but the parent did not answer the door or answer their phone. Since we have the rest of the team together, can we still hold the IFSP meeting?

A: No. The parent is a required member of the team and no IFSP meeting can be held without the parent's attendance.

Unexpected Team Member Absences

Q: At an initial IFSP team meeting, the child's parent and Early Childhood Special Education teacher (who is also the service coordinator) have met to begin the meeting at the agreed upon time. The occupational therapist, who is an evaluator and assessor on the IFSP, calls and says they cannot make it in person or attend via phone. Can the meeting be continued?

A: No. As the occupational therapist is an evaluator and assessor, they are allowed to participate in alternative ways (i.e., by phone, have an authorized representative attend, or making pertinent records available) if they cannot attend in person. However, if they are not able to participate in any of these ways, then the meeting needs to be rescheduled. In addition, this team meeting would not meet the multidisciplinary requirement as there are not two or more individuals from separate disciplines/professions participating in addition to the parent, which is another reason the meeting would need to be rescheduled.