Paraprofessional Support

The Bottom Line

Support from a paraprofessional is considered a special education service. When it is necessary for a student to receive paraprofessional support, the IEP must include: 

Go-To Tools

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Paraprofessional Support Dropdown Menu Items in SpEd Forms - Master Copy

The templates included in this document are exactly the same as the options included in the dropdown menu in SpEd Forms

This document simply exists to make them easier to browse.


What does it look like to discuss this topic during an IEP team meeting?

Check out these IEP meeting demo video(s) that model how to facilitate the conversation.

Consideration of Paraprofessional Support

A Highly Restrictive Support

Our obligation is to serve students in the least restrictive environment, and the utilization of paraprofessional support is highly restrictive. 

Research indicates that students with paraprofessional support:

Compared to a certified teacher, paraprofessionals are more likely to over-prompt, over-modify, and otherwise over-assist, which impedes students' productive struggle and limits their opportunities to learn and grow.

When Is a Para Needed?

Students truly have a need for para support when it is necessary to increase their access to the general education curriculum — i.e., accommodations, modifications, or AT cannot be implemented by the general education teacher alone. There must always be a plan in place to build students' independence and fade the paraprofessional support.

Before adding or increasing paraprofessional support, several conditions must be met:


In order to document paraprofessional support in the IEP:

If needed, add additional rows to describe different types of paraprofessional support.