Face Coverings & Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Archived COVID-19 Page

Face Coverings: Exemptions, Accommodations & Supports

Per the Governor's Executive Order 20-81, Minnesotans are mandated (required) to wear face coverings in certain settings, including public school buildings, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This mandate applies to all students in grades K-12 (including 18-21 transition), with the exception of those students who have a physical or medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that makes it unreasonable for the individual to maintain a face covering.

The guidance below is designed to assist IEP teams in determining which students are eligible for an exception and how to reasonably accommodate, instruct and support students and staff in order to maximize health and safety for all involved.

Face Covering Flowchart

Master Face Covering Flowchart With Links.pdf

Student Face Covering Problem Solving

DRAFT - Student Face Covering Problem Solving

FAQ: When a student is exempt or unable to wear a face covering (due to a health condition or disability), can a district unilaterally place them into distance learning or a more restrictive special education setting?

No. The district cannot unilaterally change a student's placement. Individualized determinations must be made and the proper due process procedures for proposing a change in placement must be followed.

Per MDE, because the exemption is based upon the student’s medical or other health conditions, disabilities, or mental health, developmental, or behavioral needs, the student is protected under IDEA, Section 504, and the Minnesota States Human Rights Act from discrimination related to the student’s education. Accordingly, the district or school cannot: (A) limit the student’s participation in in-person instruction in the school setting by requiring the student to attend distance learning only, (B) discipline a student for failure to wear a face covering or face shield, or (C) utilize restrictive procedures for failure to wear a face covering or face shield.

FAQ: When a student is exempt or unable to wear a face covering (due to a health condition or disability), what steps should the district complete to improve the students ability to wear a face covering and/or potentially consider a change of placement?

Process to consider a change of placement due to exemption or refusal to wear a face covering:

  1. Determine risk level (e.g., low risk (not spitting) -> high risk (spitting)).

    • Consult a Services Coordinator in your service are for assistance.

  2. Determine appropriate accommodations based on risk level.

  3. Determine possible instruction strategies to increase ability/comfort with face coverings.

  4. Implement accommodations, intervention, incentive for 2-3 weeks.

    • Document relevant data (e.g., frequency, duration, and intensity of behavior).

    • Review data often to determine if instructional changes are needed to the plan.

FAQ: If a student is in the high risk level and the district has implemented appropriate accommodations and instructional strategies to increase mask usage, but the data indicates there has been little changed in frequency, duration, and/or intensity of the risk behavior, what steps would a district take to change the students placement?

Process for change of placement:

  1. Contact your Special Services Supervisor to ensure they are aware of the consideration for change placement.

  2. Hold an IEP meeting to discuss the target behavior and relevant data.

  3. An IEP can determine a more restrictive setting is appropriate for a student whose exempt or unable to wear a face covering.

  4. If the IEP team determines the student requires a more restrictive setting.

    • Amend the CLP to include a detailed description of the student's proposed setting including a plan to continue to increase mask usage and collect data relevant to the target behavior.

    • A prior written notice is required to be sent for consent or objection along with the revised CLP and the IEP with an updated amendment date.

FAQ: If a student is exempt or unable to wear a face covering, how do I protect myself and other from COVID-19?

Swiss Cheese? STOP! Please review video to the right.

When it comes to COVID-19, no risk protection is perfect and you cannot reduce your risk of infection to zero. When it comes to COVID-19, no single protection is 100% effective at preventing infection. The ‘Swiss cheese’ metaphor helps explain how stacking these practices together can help us protect ourselves and others, and reduce the spread of the virus.

Layers of Swiss Cheese stacked to increase protection:

  1. Wearing face covering

  2. Washing hands often

  3. Social Distancing

  4. Cleaning and Sanitization

If you need to work directly with a student who is unable or exempt from wearing a face covering, consider how you can stack on other mitigating measures to help increase protection and reduce risk; for example:

  • Layer a face shield over your cloth face mask and/or use gloves when sharing materials with a student who is unable to wear a mask

  • Work in close proximity (within 6 feet) of the student for short bursts (i.e., a few minutes) and then increase space (to greater than 6 feet) to document or observe

  • Wash your hands before, during, and after your session

Additional Face Covering Resources

Face Covering Manifestation Determination Guiding Questions

Face Covering Manifestation Determination Guiding Questions

Health Precaution Guidance 2020

Health Precaution Guidance for In-Person and Hybrid Service Delivery in the Schools

Face Covering Flowchart Scenarios

Face Covering Scenarios

Click the folder icon to access a curated collection of resources

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Guide for Choosing Protective Equipment

Guide for choosing PPE.pdf