Extended School Year (ESY)

Archived COVID-19 Page

MDE has not yet released guidance regarding the provision of ESY for the 2020-2021 school year. Updates will be provided as soon as they are made available. In the meantime, ESY determination still need to be made based on available data and standard eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Determination

Extended School Year (ESY) must be offered to those students for whom it is determined necessary to provide a FAPE. That said, the requirements for ESY eligibility are determined at the state level, and Minnesota has not changed the eligibility requirements for ESY as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

*Important Note: ESY was not designed to remedy the systemic impact of district-wide distance learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

FAQ: How will case managers find out about district plans for ESY?

Email communication from the Director of Special Education and/or your SSS will be sent out as soon as information is made available. Additional Informational Q & As will be scheduled as needed.