
Daily Accommodations

Click "Add Daily Accommodations". You may select from the list presented.

When you are done, click "Save and Continue"

Additional Accommodations

Now you have the options to describe additional accommodations that were not included on the list above. 

Note whether there is a Health Plan, or Evacuation Plan. These plans must be attached to every copy of the IEP. In addition, please upload these plans into the IIEP in the Documents section so they will be available to any future teachers. Remember that these uploads will not print with the IEP. You should print them separately and attach them to the IEP. However, including information in the Accommodations box will ensure that the information will print with the IEP at a Glance, making it easier to distribute to other school staff.

Please include this wording in the bold-faced type at the top of the accommodations box: XXX has a health plan/evacuation plan as part of his/her IEP. Please refer to his/her individual health plan or evacuation plan for the specific procedures you are expected to follow to ensure student safety.`

Anything that changes the curriculum or the grading system for a specific student is considered a modification, and not an accommodation, and is NOT ALLOWED for students who are on a diploma track.

Examples include:

State Testing Option (Diploma Track)

If your student is in 1st or 2nd grade 

Depending on the grade of the student, you will see testing options for this year and next year. Make selections for all tests. Do not leave any sections blank, even if they are not within the dates of this IEP.

Select Assessment Accommodations:

If you have indicated that the student will take the assessment with accommodations, you will now review the accommodations you selected earlier. You may also add other accommodations if they are to be used only for testing.


Daily Accommodations 

will populate in the assessment Accommodations when selected

Text to Speech (TTS)

Assessment Accommodations


State Testing Option (Certificate Track): Alternate Assessment

If you are considering moving a student to the Alternate Assessment:

When selecting the Alternate Assessment, the following box will appear:

If you answer "No" to any of the questions,  you will see the following message:

If you can answer Yes to each of the Alternate Assessment options, you will then be presented with the following three questions. You must check each box in order to acknowledge that these conditions have been met.

Alternate Assessment Test Selection

Limited English Proficiency

This will only be presented if you indicated that the student has Limited English Proficiency under the Considerations Tab.

If the student needs accommodations for State Assessments, you should also select the same accommodations here.

All students who take the Alternate Assessment will participate in the Alternate Limited English Proficiency Exam with accommodations.

Select the appropriate accommodations from the menu.

LEP Accommodations

Select the appropriate accommodations from the menu. You may need to speak with the Bilingual Teacher who works with the student in order to select the most appropriate options.


Provide a clear explanation of why the chosen assessment is appropriate for the student and inform the parent that the student’s performance will not be measured against grade level standards for the alternate assessment.

Here are some possible things to include for Rationale:

State WHICH ASSESSMENT THE STUDENT WILL TAKE. Cut, paste, and modify to describe what the student is actually taking.

State Assessment: If student will be taking the State Assessment, here is some sample language that may be helpful:

____________ is on a diploma track, and will be taking the State Assessment in Reading/Language Arts, Math.

Alternate Assessment: The following script may be used in the Rationale text box when identifying a student for Alternate Assessment:

_____________is a student who meets the criteria for the Alternate Assessment. Goals and instruction listed in the IEP are linked to grade level standards and address knowledge and skills that are appropriate and challenging.


Each year, add new testing scores with the date, but do not remove older scores. This will help the case conference committee to compare scores year to year and observe patterns in the student's rate of progress.You can separate testing information by year with a row of stars (********) to make the IEP more readable.

Participation in other testing

You may find the statement below helpful for students who are served in General Education:

_________ will participate in the same assessment schedule as their non-disabled peers with their allowable accommodations. (ie: IREAD 3).

For students who will be taking the Alternate Assessment:

_________ is taking the Alternate Assessment and is exempt from other school and state assessments.


IREAD 3 information can be found on the DOE website

Note to teachers:  Prior to obtaining the results of the IREAD-3, the case conference committee may not determine a course of action based on the supposition that the student will not pass the test.  We cannot anticipate failure.  In other words, we cannot make decisions regarding retention, remediation, retesting, or promotion before the student takes the test.  Once results are in, the case conference committee may need to be reconvened to consider these questions.

If the student has taken the IREAD Assessment, select the appropriate option to indicate the outcome.

If the IEP committee makes the decision that a student should be exempted from retention in spite of failure to pass IREAD 3, that decision should be selected here.

More information coming about the JOT form and guidelines for Good Cause Exemptions. Until such information is provided, consult with your support team member or special education supervisor. 

Select Accommodations: