Review Notes

All notes entered on each section of the IEP can be reviewed here.

Notes should all be placed into the General IEP Notes box. Leave the other boxes blank. Do not enter notes into each tab of the IIEP separately. When you do, they are all combined into your IEP meeting notes with no delineation, ending up in a jumble. It is very confusing.

For Annual CCs, ALL notes from previous conferences should be deleted. When revising an IEP (with or without a meeting) or holding an MDC, you may add the notes to existing notes, but be sure to label and date your additions.

Always begin the notes with the date of the conference, the type of conference and the names and roles of all who attend.

Notes at a case conference should be taken on a computer.

Here are some suggestions for taking notes on your laptop:

    • Use Google Docs or Libre Office to type the notes. (Using Pages is not recommended, because it is difficult to transfer)

        • It is not recommended that you type directly into IIEP Notes section during the conference. Catastrophic events have occurred, such as: loss of internet access, batteries dying on laptops, files getting accidentally deleted. All of these result in tears and frustration.

    • Even if you use Libre Office: SAVE OFTEN!

    • Avoid using quotation marks or mathematical symbols (&, /, -, etc.)

You may copy and paste your notes into the top (General Notes) text box. After copying/pasting your notes into IIEP, it is recommended to save and keep your original document for a period of time, to be sure nothing gets lost before finalization.

If you are taking notes by hand, you may download a form here. After the conference, you must type your notes into IIEP so that they will be included in the final report.

Note-taking Guidelines for Conferences

Here are some additional guidelines and supports for both conducting a conference and for note taking. Please remember that the notes are a very important part of the IEP, and, when done well, help to clear up confusion or misunderstandings of committee decisions.

  • Never take notes at your own conference. Since all conferences must be conducted with a principal designee or other school staff, ask the other person to take the notes. It is impossible to conduct the conference while also taking notes.

      • You should also be willing to take notes for your colleagues whenever needed.

  • Create a Google Doc to use to take the notes so you don’t lose them during the conference. Share the document with the TOR so the TOR can add them to the IEP after the conference.

      • Notes should include everything that is bold in this document.

      • The TOR should be marking things on the draft IEP as TOR sits next to the parent going through the draft IEP together. At the end of the conference, TOR will make a copy of the marked up draft to give the parent before they leave. A copy of the notes should also be printed out for the parent.

      • The notes should be set up as follows:

  • Student Name

  • Type of Conference

  • Date

  • Place (School)

  • Participants: (listed with name, position, and how they participated--in person, via phone, via google meet) .

  • *You must have a PAR (Public Agency Rep)-usually a principal

  • Note whether the conference is in person, by phone or virtual.

  • When taking notes, use initials to describe what participants say. For parent, consider using “Mom” or “Dad”

Guidelines for the TOR and for the Note-taker at a Case Conference

    1. TOR: Greet parent. Make introductions. Explain reason for conference. (annual case review, case conference, move-in or re-eval).

        • Notes: “Introductions were made. Reason for conference was stated: __________.”

    2. Have parent verify the address and phone number listed on front of IEP. “Is all of the contact information on the IEP correct?”

        • “Parent verified contact information. “ List new contact information if there is any.

    3. Give parent Notice of Procedural Safeguards. Explain that these are parents’ and students’ rights and that if there is a question that the school can’t answer, there are contacts for people who can assist on the back pages.

        • “ ______ gave parent & explained notice of procedural safeguards.”

    4. Review the student’s strengths.

        • “Student’s strengths were reviewed. They include ______.”

    5. Have therapists talk about progress student made on last IEP goals and their present levels for student

        • “_____ reviewed speech progress, etc.”

    6. Have general ed teacher describe progress in classroom.

        • "Mrs. Jones described __________'s progress in the classroom as ____________"

    7. You talk about progress that student made on last IEP goals and give highlights of present level of performance. Verify any meds and dosages or medical changes.

        • "Discussion of current levels (note med changes, etc.)"

    8. Ask for parent concerns: Say, “What are your concerns about _____’s education? What would you like for us to work on with ______ this year? “

        • “Parent concerns were discussed.” List concern.

    9. Explain that the student still qualifies for special education services under the category of __________. (eligibility)

        • “Discussed eligibility. _______ qualifies under the area of _____”

    10. Discuss Limited English Proficiency if applicable.

    11. Cite any behavior concerns/ review any FBAs/BIPs.

        • "The current BIP was reviewed (and revised)" Include discussion of behaviors of concern.

    12. Outcomes/Transition (for middle/high school)

        • Explain that we work with students to determine what kinds of supports they may need to achieve their goals for after high school.

        • Review transition results and discuss findings. Ask student to share any other feedback they might want to share.

        • Tell parents you are sharing the document, TAKING THE NEXT STEP with them. It will outline resources for transition and graduation requirements, etc.

        • Discuss diploma track vs. certificate track. “_____ is on a diploma track. This means that ____ is receiving instruction intended to prepare him for work towards a high school diploma. This will be reviewed each year at his annual case review.” or

        • “_____ is on a certificate track. This means that ______ is receiving instruction and a modified curriculum working toward a certificate.”

        • Transition and graduation pathway was discussed. Taking the Next Step was given to the parents (previously)

    13. Explain student’s daily accommodations. “These are things that we expect staff to do or to have in place to help _______ in the school setting.” Share that these will be used each day in the classroom and in testing.

        • Explain additional accommodations.

        • Explain that the daily accommodations will transfer over to testing. Explain testing accommodations and TTS for comprehension if needed. Review whether or not student passed IREAD and if he or she will take it again. Review Pathways.

        • “Reviewed accommodations.” Add any discussion about accommodations between parent/teacher. Reviewed graduation pathways or IRead information.

    14. Review goals. I suggest highlighting the goal statement or starring it before the conference so you can show the parent and you can find it easily. Review goals briefly. No need to go over every detail.

        • Reviewed goals.” Add any details about discussion of goals between parent/teacher.

    15. Review provisions (services). Say, “In order to address these goals, these are the services that we recommend”.

        • Explain that services will be listed for virtual learning, in person learning, and elearning.

        • Reviewed provisions. ________ will receive services in the ____setting for __________ (Give details of services in notes. They must match what is in IEP).

        • Your notes must specifically cite what the provisions are as listed in the IEP and as discussed in the case conference. (ie: Reading/Language Arts in the general ed setting for 600 min/week).

        • Remember to include a conversation about Special Education Transportation services here.

    16. Review potentially harmful effects. Say, “These are the services we would recommend but we always have to talk about what might be potentially negative about what we are recommending.”

        • Reviewed potentially harmful effects. They are _______ ”

    17. Review ESY information.

        • Say, “Extended school year services are for students who are working on basic skills and who typically experience great regression when they are away from school for breaks and days off.

        • "Discussed ESY"

    18. Ask if there are any questions or concerns that have not been addressed.

    19. If the parent is comfortable, they may sign the implementation page and the medicaid page. Otherwise, the final can be sent home and parent can sign and return it. Make a copy of everything (including the draft with the marked changes) for the parent to give them before they leave.

        • Note if parent signed. Note if all were in agreement with recommendations..

    20. For google meet, ask the parent if they consent for the services to be given as outlined in the IEP.

        • Explain that IEP can be emailed or a paper copy can be sent if parent prefers. Ask them to sign and return medicaid and permission page.

        • "TOR will send a final copy of the IEP (to parent via email, etc)."