Writing a Service Plan

When to write a Service Plan

    • Students who attend a nonpublic school

    • Students who are homeschooled.

    • Students who live OUTSIDE the SBCSC district, but attend a non public school IN the SBCSC geographical district.

    • Students who are receiving full time therapy services in ABA (parentally placed). If students are part-time ABA and part-time in SBCSC, they should have an IEP.

When to do a new Service Plan

  • You will do an initial Service Plan when a student:

      • is withdrawn to be homeschooled by the parent

      • moves to a non-pub (from an SBCSC school)

      • withdraws to attend an ABA program (considered a home school placement)

  • When a student withdraws, we must present our offer of FAPE. You will need to go back to the IEP, re-enter any services that apply only to the public school setting, and then go through the rejection process outlined below.

  • Once a Service Plan is in place, you will do an Annual Service Plan each year.

      • You no longer need to offer FAPE every year, however, you should explain to the parent at every annual case conference that they have the right to request/return to FAPE, and should they chose to do so, they just need to notify SBCSC.

      • If the student re-enters SBCSC, you will do a Move In conference to move the student back onto an IEP.

Creating an Initial Service Plan

Complete an IEP first

  1. If you are a school psych or an SLP, complete the Pre-conference planning and Evaluation Process (Same as IEP) for Initial Purpose.

  2. Purpose of the IEP should be "Consider Service Plan. If this is an initial IEP, select "Initial IEP" also.

  3. Complete the IEP, adding Goals and Services the student would receive if attending SBCSC.

  4. On the LRE page, make sure you select the LRE option that would be in place if the student attends an SBCSC school. Do not select Option 56 "Parentally Placed in private school" here (you can do that later, in the SP)

  5. On the Create IEP page, select that the Parent Rejects FAPE.

      • Print out and have Parent sign at conference.

  6. Finalize the IEP.

      • Rejection of FAPE Notice will be generated.

  7. Reject the IEP through the Response button after the final IEP is created.

      • Click Response under Status

      • Reject the IEP again under the Response

          • This proposed IEP was Rejected

          • Note the date

          • Add note-why? (Parent chooses to place the student ____________________)

      • Status will now show as Rejected.

      • If you bypass the rejection of the IEP, you will not be able to create a SP or select annual service plan as the purpose of the conference.

      • If no, no testing options will disappear

NOW write the Service Plan

  1. Go to the SP Process (on the top menu bar, next to IEP Process) and do a SP.

      • Purposes: Initial Service plan, Revise Service Plan, Annual Service Plan

          • Revise or Annual will ask you if the parent has previously rejected FAPE.

  • Most fields from IEP will carry over

  • Review each page and click Save and Continue.

  • Schedule CCC Meeting Section: New position appears: Non Public School rep- you can enter the name of the non pub principal, or teacher.

      • SP Effective Dates will need to be filled in. IEP dates do not carry over.

      • If the parent agrees to revise without a meeting, use the date that you spoke with the parent about the revision as the meeting date.

      • If the student is going to ABA, or homeschooled, the parent will be the "Non Pub Representative".

  • Transition: If student is transition age and you are writing a Service Plan, you do not need to do a Transition Plan, but you have the option of doing so.

  • State assessments: Is the student's attending school accredited?

      • If yes, same testing options

      • If no, testing options will disappear

      • Home school/ABA is a non accredited setting.

  • Goals

      • Modify this page to reflect the goals which WILL be targeted in the non public setting.

      • If the student will be homeschooled or is going to attend ABA, you may leave the current goals, and consult with the parent about the student progress.

  • Provisions

      • services all transfer over, but must be updated.

      • Refer to the Services Chart to determine possible services.

      • If the student qualifies for Speech, or any Related Services:

          • Invite the therapist to the conference, and consult with them beforehand

          • Discuss the therapy options at the conference. Parents may decline.

  • LRE

      • Only one LRE option: "Parentally placed in private school"

      • In the additional descriptors box, no calculations are necessary. State that the parent has elected to place the child in a non public or is home schooling.

      • See below for wording to use in each box for ABA/Homeschool.

      • Facility Type

          • For non public school, select Option 10

              • You can enter the name of the school of service for the student. (If the student is in a local Catholic school, search under the Corporation name: Diocese of Fort Wayne)

          • For ABA/Homeschool, select Option 3

              • If the student is homeschooled/ABA, enter 9999 as the school number.

  • Make sure the Notes reflect the parent's decision to reject SBCSC services along with any pertinent information.

  • Create SP

      • Meeting attendees can be selected and added.

      • Create the SP. It will look like an IEP, but will have a Service Plan Acknowledgment for the parent to sign.

      • There is a Response button again. As parent Accepts, you will select the Accept button and put in the date and notes field.

When you are done, add all notes and pertinent signature pages, and send the Finalized Initial IEP AND the SP to your Support Team to review within 5 days of holding the conference.

Initial SP Conference Paperwork

  • A copy of the Finalized (and rejected) IEP.

      • When you reject FAPE, the IEP will generate a Rejection of Services in the Public School for the parent to sign. Bring that along to get the signature.

Initial and All subsequent years:

  • A copy of the SP with signature pages

  • All the other stuff you normally bring:

      • Procedural Safeguards

      • Notice of Case Conference

      • Medicaid Form

ABA Wording

You may paste the statements below into

      • Assessment Accommodations

      • Provisions narrative

      • LRE Page:

          • Additional Descriptors

          • Rationale

          • General Considerations

Include the following:

      • STUDENT's parents have elected to reject FAPE at this time and have opted to parentally place STUDENT in full time ABA therapy. STUDENT will be considered a homeschooled student. He/She will receive consultative services from his TOR one time per quarter.

      • When STUDENT's family is ready for him to return to school, they will contact SBCSC and a case conference will be held to develop an IEP which will include FAPE provisions.