There are two Kinds of MDCs:

Click on each one for a definition and explanation of SBCSC Procedures

Multiple Suspensions

  • An MDC MUST be held any time a student reaches the 10th day of suspension

  • Students who have been referred for an initial evaluation are considered "under the umbrella" and are provided with the same disciplinary protections of a special education student.


  • Students are referred for expulsion by an administrator after a major offense.

Multiple Suspensions

SBCSC Procedures for a Manifestation Determination Conference



  • Check "Manifestation Determination Conference"

Create Team

  • You may need to add support team members

Schedule CCC Meeting

  • Generate a Notice of CC based on the time and date in the email you receive from downtown

      • Add any attendees who need to be invited

      • Add the conference date as the Initiation date of this IEP.

      • Finalize the Notice and send home immediately

Existing Data

  • Add a paragraph to the current Present Level Behavior section describing any incidents or new information that led to this MDC. Make sure you identify this addition with the date of the MDC.

Special Considerations

  • Information in the Manifestation Determination text boxes will be completed by your Support Team and should not be done before the conference is held.

  • Review the Behavior Support Plan BEFORE the conference.

      • Make sure the behavior plan addresses the behaviors for which the student has been suspended

      • Check to see that the strategies and supports are still appropriate.

      • Review whether the Support plan has been implemented as written.

  • If there is no Behavior Plan, conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment, and write a proposed Behavior Plan for the student before the conference.


  • Review Behavioral Goals and determine whether new goals are warranted.


  • Don't make changes to the Provisions until after the conference. The committee will decide if the student's provisions will need to be changed based on the discussion at the conference.


  • Check to be sure the Special Consideration boxes have been completed

  • Revise the IEP to reflect changes to the Behavior support plan

  • Make any modifications to goals and/or provisions/LRE that were discussed at the conference

  • Finalize the IEP

  • Send a copy downtown

  • Make sure all staff have a copy of the revised Behavior Plan (IEP At A Glance)

  • If the decision has been made to put the student on a shortened day, fill out a Transportation Request


Everything is the same as above except:

  • Create Team: Include Special Ed supervisor on the team

  • Special Considerations: If the committee does not find a relationship between the behavior and the student's disability, the student will go to the community control panel. Services will be provided at APPROVE while the student waits for the hearing.

  • You will need to do a Transportation Request for APPROVE.

  • Send a copy of the IEP to APPROVE