
Special Education Services

To enter new services, click Add Special Education Service.

In the GE settings box:

STUDENT will receive special ed services in the general ed setting:

-- 150 min/week for Math  

-- 300 min/week for Reading/LA

Total: 450 min/week

(Services will be provided in the school environment):

In the SE settings box:

STUDENT will receive special ed services in the special ed setting:

-- 150 min/week for Math  

-- 150 min/week for Reading/LA

Total: 300 min/week

(Services will be provided in the school environment):

When adding services to the IEP, please include the phrase: "Actual class schedule may vary according to school's daily class schedule and minutes per class. Schedules follow the SBCSC School Calendar"

When reviewing the services for a student, use the "Stranger Test". Would a stranger reading this IEP understand what services a student needs quickly and easily?

Sometimes an IEP is easier to read when services are grouped according to setting and frequency. Specify the minutes for each subject area in the narrative box.

Related Services

Remember to include Related Service providers on the IEP Team so they can put in the services they recommend for the student.

Do not add services for a Related Service provider without their knowledge and consent.

Transportation must be added here.

Related Services includes things like:

It does NOT include: (these are Special Education services, not related services.


If the transportation needs are the same as that of non-disabled peers, the user will select "Yes" and  not enter any additional information.

If you have identified Transportation as a Related Service, you must say No here. If you say No here, you must add Transportation as a Related Service above.

Remember that if you recommend Special Transportation, you must fill out a Transportation Request. This request must be submitted on the computer. Paper forms will not be accepted. You will receive an email confirmation of the request. There is no need to print this email out, but you should keep it for your records. It is a good idea to establish a folder in your email account to store these requests for future reference.

Transportation requests and revisions should be done for the current school year only. You will be advised when to begin submitting requests for the upcoming school year and for ESY.

Specify the criteria for recommending Special Ed Transportation services. You may describe the need further in the narrative box. 

Accessible Materials

If the student is BLV or SLD, they may be eligible for accessible materials. This includes things like large print, Braille and textbooks in audio format. It also includes all materials previously listed as "Books on Tape" that had been provided by Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D-now known as Reading Ally). This can include trade books, and many other curriculum materials. Click the link below to learn who is eligible and how to apply for this service.

You will find an explanation of Accessible Materials below, along with the necessary forms.

Please make sure the student meets eligibility requirements for accessible materials BEFORE adding it to the IEP (see the link above). Once the requirements have been met, the TOR is responsible for helping to complete the necessary paperwork.

If the student would benefit from using the audio materials provided to the schools as part of the Textbook adoption, that would NOT be listed here. Put that under Accommodations.

Determining Eligibility for Accessible Materials

When you consider this question, you must make sure that the student is eligible to receive Accessible Materials.

Which students qualify?

Who is a Competent Authority?

More Information on Qualifying Characteristics

If you answer YES to Accessible Materials on the IEP, download and fill out NIMAS/ICAM Form #1 and NIMAS/ICAM Form #2. NIMAS/ICAM Form #4 should be given to the parents if a doctor's signature is required. (Forms found below)

Requesting Accessible Materials

General Information and Resources:

NIMAS stands for National Instructional Media Accessibility Standards. You can read more about NIMAS at the CAST Website.

ICAM stands for Indiana Center for Accessible Materials. You can read more about ICAM at the ICAM Website.

Who Qualifies for Specialized-Format Instructional Materials Created from NIMAS Source Files

Other sites for Accessible Media:


Assistive Technology

If the student needs technology in order to be successful, enter a description of the technology the student is using, and in what situations it needs to be provided. This might include an FM system (for a hearing impaired student), switches, screen enlarger (for a visually impaired student), etc.

If the student has had an Assistive Technology evaluation, and ongoing consultation has been recommended, you should give the CAT consultant access to the IEP, and they will fill this box in. 

If a CAT eval is being requested, it must be done the same as all other evaluations, with a request for a reevaluation (under the Existing Data section). Check the third option, "Inform the student's case conference committee of the student's special education and related service needs." Then you must download the CAT Referral, fill it out, and mail it to the CAT office at Edison. Please include a copy of the full, finalized IEP and the current psych report. Parent permission is needed before an eval can be completed. If you are the student's TOR, it is your responsibility to assist in getting the permission for the evaluation.

Extended School Year

For the Extended School Year decision, three questions from the technical guidance document are presented.

If you are recommending ESY services for a student, you will designate those services here. You will put in the ESY dates for the service, and then add it like any other Special Ed Service. ESY dates will be indicated on the Special Ed Home page as soon as they have been determined

Make sure to include ALL ESY services, including Transportation.

You may be asked to provide documentation that the student meets the guidelines for ESY services. For Option 1, you must document that the student has demonstrated regression over the summer that could not be recouped in the first 9 weeks of the following school year (i.e. data sheets and documented observations)

Fill out the ESY worksheet. You also need to fill out a Transportation Request, and specify that the request is for ESY. Add ESY Transportation under ESY Related Services.

Aids and Supports

The case conference committee should consider what additional training and/or skills are necessary for personnel to implement the IEP.

If it is indicated that there are needs, the user is prompted to document the supports and modifications that will be provided.

Examples where Aids/Support may be indicated:

Program Modifications

       The case conference committee should consider what modifications to the existing programming are required to meet that student's needs. 

Generally, you will mark "No" for Program Modifications, unless supplemental materials are needed to teach critical skills. An example of when you might mark "Yes" here would be a student who is in a Cross Categorical or BEST program, but needs time in a Life Skills classroom in order to receive some specific services, such as community training or social skills. Another example would be a certificate track student who is included in general education classes with significant modifications to the general education curriculum.

Sample language might be:

Reporting Timeline

A text box to record when the periodic reports on the student’s progress toward goals will be provided.

Example: Progress will be reported quarterly during report card time.


Here are some sample scripts that could be modified for different student needs:

Due to (student’s) current (academic or behavioral) needs, (direct or indirect) services are needed in ________ class to support (student) in achieving the goals as outlined in this IEP. More or less restrictive options were considered and rejected because they would not provide the necessary support for (student’s) success.

For students on Certificate Track:

The committee considered and rejected more restrictive options based on existing data. More direct service (special education setting) would limit social interaction with general education peers, vocational exploration, and community opportunities. Fewer services (no supported classes) would not address the support and experiences needed as a result of XXX’s _____ eligibility or to support IEP and transition goals.

For students on Diploma Track:

The committee considered and rejected more restrictive options based on existing data. More direct service (special education setting) would not present the rigor and pace of the Diploma Track curriculum and limit social development and interaction with general education peers. Fewer services (no supported classes or consultation services) would not address the support needed as a result of XXXX’s ____ eligibility or to support IEP and transition goals.