What is IIEP?

IIEP stands for Indiana Individualized Education Program. This is the online program that all Indiana teachers must use to complete required paperwork.

If you need assistance logging in to the IIEP system, please go to Access to IIEP


  1. Pre Conference Planning Should only be used by Psychs, SLP, PTs, OTs, CATs conducting an evaluation

  2. Evaluation Process Should only be used by Psychs, SLP, PTs, OTs, CATs conducting an evaluation

  3. IEP/SP Process


  • When steps are complete, a green check mark appears

  • When steps have items to be completed, a red check appears.


  • The navigation bar is at the bottom of each page.

  • You can see your progress on the menubar at the bottom of the page. A green check means you have completed the requirements. A red check means you have some more work to do on that page. You will also see "Current Selection" for whatever page you are on.

Back takes you to the previous page (Do not use the browser's Back button)

Save takes the data entered on the page and keeps you on the same page

Save and Continue invokes the rules of completion. If any compliance elements are missing, an error message will be displayed at the top of the page. If all rules of compliance are met, it will take you to the next page.

When you see this box, you will know that your information has been saved into the database. If you leave the page before saving, all of your information will be gone when you return.

You may want to compose your text in a word processor and save it there so that you do not lose your information.

  • If you are having trouble, try a different browser. Options include Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer (Windows only), Google Chrome

You can resize text boxes by clicking on the little diagonal lines in the bottom right corner of the text boxes and dragging to stretch the box.

You also have a spell check option by each box.