IEPs for SLPs

This page is for situations specific to the Speech and Language Pathologist. For completion of other sections of the IEP, refer to the IEP Process menu.


Creating the Notice

Only Psychologists, Speech/Language Pathologists, Occupational or Physical Therapists, or a CAT team member should create Written Notices.

  • Open Pre-Conference Planning tab. Under Type of Evaluation select either “initial” or “re-evaluation.”

  • The text boxes on the Existing Data page do not have to be completed in order for a Written Notice to be generated. However, if a “re-evaluation” is being requested, click option 1 or 2 at the bottom of the page.

  • On the Referral Decision page, indicate the date of the referral request, and indicate if it was a parent or school referral. You must finalize the referral before being able to generate a Written Notice. Finalizing the referral just means that the date of referral and referral sources are accurate.

  • Complete the Eligibility Categories and Assessments page by indicating the appropriate suspected disability (or the one you are thinking can be dismissed). Make sure all appropriate assessment procedures for that disability area (according to Article 7) are checked.

      • Make sure you click the box for Receptive, Expressive and Pragmatic Language Skills manually.

  • Create a Draft Notice for review, then a Final Notice of Evaluation. Access this by clicking on the blue or purple link to Notice of Evaluation. Send the Final Notice of Evaluation to the parent to obtain consent.

Completing Evaluation Process:

Only Psychologists, Speech/Language Pathologists, Occupational or Physical Therapists, or a CAT team member should complete this tab.

  • Under Evaluation Process tab, you must create the MD team. Here, the TOR is listed. The SLP should remain the TOR while the student is being assessed for another disability. Add other members to the team by clicking Select Team and clicking the box next to the name.

  • Assign MD Team roles—this adds others and allows them access to the IEP.

  • Parental Consent Contacts— If the parent has declined permission, choose “No.”

  • If the parent has returned the signed Written Notice of Evaluation, choose “Yes.” Enter the date that the school received the signed consent. The computer system will automatically compute the timeline and provide a date by which the case conference must be held.

  • The Existing Data sub-tab is the same as in the Pre-Conference Planning and IEP Process tabs. The information will carry over to all three sections.

  • Assessment Data—this is your evaluation report. All components of Indiana Article 7 must be included. Be sure to create a Final Evaluation Evaluation Report in the system before the conference.

      • Social and developmental history: Obtain from social/developmental checklist that the parent completes

      • Available educationally relevant medical information: Obtain from parent or through cum file/previous IEPs

      • Academic Achievement: Assessment of current academic skills: This information can be obtained through:

          • Teacher input-current grades/performance levels in reading/writing/math

          • If recent standardized achievement, provide this data (along with date of administration).

      • Academic Achievement: Assessment of progress and interventions

          • mClass data (grades K-2)-assessment of progress

          • Acuity data (grades 3-8)-assessment of progress

          • ISTEP/ECA results-assessment of progress

          • READ 180 scores-assessment of progress

          • LiPs/Wilson-intervention

          • Horn program-intervention

          • Small student to staff ratio-intervention

      • Academic Achievement: Observation to document academic progress/behaviors in areas of difficulty

      • Communication Skills: Assessment of articulation, fluency, and voice

      • Communication Skills: Assessment of receptive, expressive, pragmatic and social communication

      • Communication Skills: Observation of student's speech by an SLP

      • Motor and Sensory Abilities: A statement from a physician if an organic cause suspected

  • Complete Notice of Initial Findings and Proposed Actions sub-tab. This is only required for Initial Evaluations.

Reevaluation Conference to consider an Additional Eligibility

  • If there is a current IEP for Speech only, and the committee decides NOT to add another area of eligibility, the IEP must be finalized with the re-evaluation data. Use the date of the current meeting as the IEP begin date, and keep the current IEP end date.

  • If the committee decides to add another area of eligibility, the new TOR will finalize the IEP. They are now responsible for distributing the IEP and training staff.

  • SLPs are to provide the psychologist with their report. This is to be included with the rest of the m-team evaluation.

Dismissing a Student with LI/SI as Primary

Before a student may be dismissed, the parent must give permission, and an evaluation must occur.

  • Complete Pre-Conference Planning tab, which will allow a Written Notice for evaluation to be generated .

  • In Pre-Conference Planning tab, check “re-evaluation” on the Type of Evaluation page, and select option 1 (re-establish eligibility) under need for re-evaluation at the bottom of the page. Choose the appropriate suspected eligibility and assessment procedures and follow the steps to create a Written Notice.

  • Send parent the finalized Notice of Re-evaluation to obtain consent for evaluation.

  • Once the parent permission is returned, complete the evaluation and Evaluation Process tab, including Evaluation Report (see above).

  • Schedule a case conference date/time with the parent.

  • Open the IEP Process tab, and under Purpose, check “Re-evaluation Review.”

  • Enter evaluation results on Eligibility Information page.

      • If you are unable to enter information in this section, contact your support team for help.

  • Assuming that the student is not eligible, indicate “NO” for the statement: The case conference committee has determined that the student's disability adversely affects the student's educational performance. This will allow the Notice of Ineligibility to be created.

  • Create final copy of Notice of Ineligibility. Access this by clicking on the blue link that was created. Have parent sign/date this form (even though it does not have lines for this). No other pages in the IEP will need to be generated.

  • Give parents copy of: Notice of Case Conference, Evaluation Report, Sign in Sheet, Notes, signed copy of Notice of Ineligibility. Send originals to Special Ed. Dept.

Dismissing a Student with LI/SI as Secondary

Before a student may be dismissed from speech, the parent must give permission, and an evaluation must occur.

  • Complete Pre-Conference Planning tab, which will allow a Written Notice for evaluation to be generated .

  • In Pre-Conference Planning tab, check “re-evaluation” on the Type of Evaluation page, and select option 1 (re-establish eligibility) under need for re-evaluation at the bottom of the page. Choose the appropriate eligibility for which you will be evaluating and the appropriate assessment procedures. Follow the steps to create a Written Notice.

  • Send parent the finalized Notice of Re-evaluation to obtain consent for evaluation.

  • Once the parent permission is returned, complete the evaluation and Evaluation Process tab, including Evaluation Report (see above).

  • Schedule a case conference date/time with the parent.

  • Open the IEP Process tab, and under Purpose, check “Re-evaluation Review.”

  • Enter evaluation results on Eligibility Information page (include date of evaluation).

      • If you are unable to enter information in this section, contact your support team for help.

  • Assuming that the student is still eligible under the primary disability, indicate “YES” for the statement: The case conference committee has determined that the student's disability adversely affects the student's educational performance.

  • If the student is no longer eligible for a secondary disability of LI or SI, click the drop down box next to the secondary disability and choose the option “NONE.”

  • Because the student is still eligible for special education service (primary disability), there will be NOT be a Notice of Ineligibility.

  • Parent should sign Implementation page, which indicates that they are aware of the student’s new eligibility (minus LI/SI).

Revoking Consent for Special Education Services

Revoking consent is not the same as a parent declining initial special education services, nor is it the same as dismissing a student because he/she is no longer eligible as a student with a disability.

If a parent chooses to withdraw consent for special education and related services, this includes ALL special education and related services outlined in the IEP.

The parent must put their request for Revocation in writing.

  • Check “Revoke Consent for Special Education on the Meeting Purpose subtab of IEP Process.

  • As long as there is a current IEP, go to Additional IEP Process Documents tab, and create “Notice of Discontinuation of Special Education” and create the final document. You can access this by clicking on the blue link.

  • Review “Notice of Discontinuation of Special Education” with the parent, and have the parent sign and date this form.

  • Finalize the IEP, distribute copies, and forward the originals to the Special Education Department.

What to send in to Special Education Department

    • Evaluation Report: Must contain all assessment requirements of Article 7 including:

    • Social/developmental history

    • Classroom teacher information

    • Achievement results

    • Information for an m-team member (For Language Impairment only)

    • Could be principal, GE teacher, Diagnostician, GEIT team member, psych, social worker

    • Should address language skills within the academic setting.

    • You may use the General Education Teacher Questionnaire to gather this information

    • Finalized IEP: Within 10 days of the IEP conference

    • Includes Notice of Case Conference, Notes, Sign in Sheet, BIP, Health Plan, etc.

    • Half sheet/whole sheet

    • No need to send in Social/developmental history form or other forms used to collect information that is put into the Evaluation Report.