
This drawing is of the value scale it’s set on gray value, which is the same as value for any color. (Darkest on Top - Lightest on Bottom)To draw this I had a value chart that i followed to make my drawing, and I had to use a special thin tipped art pen.

I chose to do the shapes and lines I did because I thought they would look unique.In this piece of artwork; value, lines, shapes are showcased in each square.If I found that a square that was supposed to be lighter was darker then I would make everything before it darker, then continue on with the rest of the squares.

I did this project so that I could practice/learn the value scale.This is related to my life because I will need this for reference in future projects.I think I maybe could have made it neater and less sloppy and if I do this again/revise it I’ll take more time while drawing it.