Gelatin Prints

The three images that are not modified are just randomly made, while the one that is modified is supposed to be a kind of beach scene from a tree branch on shore. If you’re wondering how I made this well then you are in luck! I made these images using printing ink, a roller, a large piece of gelatin, paper, and some writing utensils. I started by rolling ink onto the gelatin, then I proceeded to laying objects/materials on different spots of the gelatin then I laid a piece of paper on it and pressed down to print the ink onto it. I chose to create the beach scene because I couldn’t think of what to make so I just started drawing and it came out as a cheesy kind of cartoon like beach scene. The other three prints I chose each piece to put on the gelatin if I thought the pieces would fit together and make a cool pattern. These pieces show that you can make a cool pattern with totally random objects you would not expect to be using, and that editing these pieces, even slightly can turn them into a whole new scene. At first I placed only 2 objects on the gelatin and I printed, but it was not interesting so I tried again and put more objects on and it came out much more interesting than the time before. Then I proceeded to putting more ink on and taking or adding more pieces on to make different patterns. The modified print started as just a normal gelatin print, but I edited it to add a little something extra. Well, I was kind of thinking about my grandparents house in Old Orchard Beach and that may have influenced this piece but I am not 100% sure. (Modified Gelatin Print). This relates to my life (and others) because pieces get put together one by one, and that’s how life goes. I think on my modified piece I could have worked on it more and added more detail to places. I could have also used all of the white space, not just the sides and the top.