Blind Contour Drawing

This piece of art was made while I was looking away from it looking at objects, people, sculptures, it’s called blind contour drawing. This was a drawing of my face, my friends face, my hand in two different positions.I used a sharpie pen and drew the objects/people and then I used watercolor to paint the white space.

I chose to draw my hand and my partner’s face and my face because it thought it would be good to have a variety, and those things are simple to draw.In this piece of artwork their are multiple continuous lines without end, and then filled in spaces where I painted.This to me means I’m a beginner and I’m going to try to improve everything from drawing the lines to coloring in the white space.

The objects in the image are all physical things in my life (Hands and faces).I think I could make the lines stronger more prominent and make then neater, also I could use strategic coloring and fill in all of the white space and maybe make a larger image with all the smaller images within.