Mid-term project

I created this piece to be based off of what is happening with the political side of the world. In the piece, the left is the resistance, the right being the government, the 3 structures down below, the far left being the resistance, the far right being the government, and the middle being the people stuck in the middle of it all. I used coloring utensils, a ruler, and lots of paper to make this. I chose to create this because I just wanted to make a powerful piece of artwork, that really means something, and shows what is happening in our world today. In this piece of artwork I used lots of shading, I also used perspective, to make it look like you are focusing on one point, and going down a single path. I had multiple ideas, maybe someone waving at the world, someone shouting at the world, but the one that stuck out to me was a fist. A fist on a big bulky arm to show the resistance, then a smaller arm to show the government holding some paper to show a “bill”. And I changed the people in the background multiple times, changed the structures they are standing until it came out like it is now. It has multiple meanings. Your mind can turn this image into something, it’s your choice as to what you see in this piece. I see the resistance against the government, then the people stuck in the middle of it all, getting the trash that comes from the fighting, the people in the middle getting the worst consequences because no one cares for them. No one notices the people in the middle... What’s happening in this piece is happening throughout the world today. And not many people are doing anything to stop it, or lessen it, or even help those people stuck in the middle. think I could have added a little more detail into the background, but otherwise I would not revise or change anything because I like it how it is.