Linear Perspective

These projects are all about making things 3D using just lines.I used a ruler and pencil, started in the middle of the paper and i drew lots of lines, at different angles, to make the rooms look 3D.

I chose to select this part of the school hallway, because I thought it would be cool and I chose a room like that because I thought I would try something challenging.In this artwork the ability to use many lines to make 3D objects is showcased.Well at first I was a noob and wasn’t very good at drawing 3D, but then I practiced and my work became better and better.

The drawings are showing things in my life and what they look like.The hallway picture is a drawing of my school's hallway, and the room with the dresser is made up from my head.I think I could have added more detail into both photos and and added more objects to make them look cooler and have more content.