Final Portfolio

Time Capsules

Enlarged Class Collaboration


Leaf Art

Pure Contour

Zoomed Shoe

Linear Perspective

Candy Still Life

Mixed Media Drawing

Self Portrait

Mid Term Artist Inspired

Oil Pastel Color Study

Color Design

Surrealist Painting

Scratch Board

Gelatin Prints

Sgraffito Clay Tile

Linoleum Prints

Wire Sculpture

Assemblage Sculpture

Independent Project

I had many feelings for FOA throughout the year, but ones that stuck I think were that the class was fun, but with fun comes stress. There was lots of work being jammed in every week which created some stress, but there was always something fresh rotating through which made it more fun. Some weeks were hard to get work done due to juggling sports, and other activities/things outside of school. Due to sometimes being stressed and pressured on time, I was unable to do my absolute best and turn projects in on time so sometimes I had to turn projects in late so they were nice.

Some processes I enjoyed this year were carving, and print making. I enjoyed these the most because I dislike painting and drawing because of how tedious and slow the process of doing those is. When I am carving and printmaking I don't need to get different brushes and paints, mixing paints and shading, making different tones while drawing. I carve outside of school for fun and I am quite good at it. It occupies me and I really enjoy doing it, and print making I got introduced to this year and I really enjoy it. I enjoy print making because it is quick and fun to carve to make the print, then the result is a cool print of the negative space of the carved piece of cork-board. With the carving and printing I was forced to think out of the box to not only create carvings, but for printing also the color/mixtures I would use for the print. I found that the printing helped me become more creative with my carvings and add things to my carving I hadn't before.

The projects I am most proud about are my linoleum prints, wire sculpture, final independent project and my color study. These are my favorite projects because I enjoyed all of them more than the others. The linoleum prints were aesthetically amazing and the very colorful and creative. These projects helped me improve my carving skills and some painting skills as well. Not only does it show that I have improved those skills, it also shows that I am fairly decent at art and it could be something to pursue.

Final Project.mp4