Collage Surrealism

This creation was based off of 3 images, one of a glacier, an M&M character, and some snowy cloudy hills and a phone. The M&M character dropped the phone and is now like ‘uh oh’. To make this piece I used acrylic paint. I started by creating a collage, then I proceeded to gridding the collage and then gridding the canvas I painted on. Then, I started painting the painting, starting with the glacier and the background, then the phone and the character. I wanted to do something that was light and sort of silly. I didn’t want to make anything that was deep. In this piece their is lots of proportioning and mixing of paints to create the colors needed. For example, I tried to make the color of the character the samy by making orange then adding white to the orange. In the background I mixed white with tiny amounts of black to make grey for the clouds and hills. It all started on paper and as I began to paint it I changed some small things. I instead of having all the white space at the top and bottom of the paper like shown in the collage itself I instead moved it down and around the character, I changed everything that needed to be changed to fit the layout once the sky was moved down. This piece has my favorite chocolate candy in it, M&M’s. I saw this M&M character and the phone and thought it would be kinda silly to have the character dropping the phone and acting like you and I would if we dropped our phones. The character is based around my favorite candy M&M’s and the idea that we drop our phones a lot and our reactions are always ‘uh oh’. I think I could improve on the hills in the background to make them more visible and more realistic. They look kind of subtle at the moment and they are hard to see/distinguish unless you look at the original collage.