Crab Sculpture

The subject of this sculpture is a mixture between the well known cartoon character Mr. Krabs and a real crab and a few paint cards from Sherwin Williams as well as a chinese food container. I decided on this because I just wanted to do something that would have a more comical look/background and show that you can use anything, any idea and make something. I used a few materials; I used Sherwin Williams paint strips. Newspaper, shape of a chinese food container, lots of tape and hot glue, and a couple bottle caps. I used sculpting, cutting, and carving in order to make this project and the pieces that are in it. During the making of this sculpture, I made sure to keep a close eye on where the different colored paint strips were placed and how the newspaper was taped and shaped. I wanted this sculpture to look somewhat like a crab and Mr. Krabs from Spongebob. I also wanted it to have a blocky look to add to the cartoon feeling. To add some interest to the sculpture I added Sherwin Williams paint strips to add color to it and make a green crab and then I decided to add a cartoonish feeling to it by making it more square and adding eyes like Mr. Krabs has. The front of a green crab is often a lighter color than the back so I made sure to put darker greens on the back of the crab and lighter greens on the front. I like the way it came out, it came out kind of cartoonish, but still looks like a crab. I did struggle with keeping the hot glue neat and from spilling. If I created another piece like this I would probably try to be neater with the glue or use a different type of glue.