Mixed Media

This drawing is a drawing of a close friend. I was trying to find something to draw, that I could make black and white with ink and charcoal and I decided a morphed image from ‘Photo Booth’ of a friend would suit this very well. In this project I was required to use charcoal and ink, so I used charcoal pencils and quill pens with a dipping container with ink. I started by gridding the image from the computer and then proceeded to grid the paper I was drawing the drawing on and once finished gridding I proceeded to draw and outline the images. Once I finished outlining the drawing I then started coloring with the charcoal and ink. I chose to create this piece of work because I wanted something that would be sort of comical, yet be interesting, difficult to draw, and color. I also wanted to mess with a friend and draw him. Another reason I drew this piece was because it would catch the eye of a passer by its quirkiness and silliness. In this piece their are few techniques shown, but there is lots of the techniques shown. One of the techniques in the drawing that is used A LOT is blending. I had to use blending to match the different shades and tints in the digital photo. I used blending in every part of the head and face. I also used shading to fill in every part before blending and if the part needed to be black. It started as a digital image that was colorful, got changes to black and white then was put on paper by hand, by drawing. It changed a lot from being digital to being on paper and accurate. From the computer to the paper I changed some of the details in the anatomical image on the left side, I added some more detail to try and make it more realistic. The idea for this piece came up one day when I was in math class with my friend and I thought it would be cool to draw a photo booth photo that he randomly took on my computer while I was out of the room. This project relates to my life. How you might ask? Well as I have stated many times, the image is of my friend, and the image of my friend originates from a good day, and a funny moment. This piece could be stronger though. I think I could have made the tints and shades of the image more accurate and realistic. I also think the drawing could have been more accurate regarding the face and head.