Beautiful Oops

This project was created to see my creativity levels that would come from a random drop of ink which could be like scribbles or something.Their was a couple drops of ink on the paper and I drew something using the ink drops.

I chose to create the current events of Hurricanes Irma and Jose, because these impacted many lives, andI thought it would be something good to draw. In this picture I used shading and lots of lines to show the storms and the states and counties in the states.I also used shading and lots of lines.

This is a picture of hurricanes Irma and Jose, and this event means a lot to people and has affected thousands of people so I thought it would be something strong to draw.This relates to my life because it’s a picture of hurricanes Irma and Jose and this has impacted millions of lives. Including my own.I think this could use lots of work on everything.