Happy Child, Happy Mamma

Keeping our children happy and entertained may seem like a difficult task. Believe it or not, there are many easy and effortless ways to be playful with our children and it does NOT include a screen of any sort. We are so used to giving our little kids a screen just to leave us alone while we cook, clean, or drink our morning tea. What if I tell you that you can cook, clean, and even drink your tea while your toddler/child is occupied on his/her own? Yes, you will need to validate him/her and whatever activity they are working on. But come on, that is just part of life when you’re a parent. We cannot pretend we do not have children throughout our day, let us do that after they go to bed. 

Did you know that the first 5 years of your child’s life may determine their personality, behaviors, and future actions? The amount of time, attention, love, and emotional connection you make with your child are extremely important. This is why we need to make an effort and be as creative as possible when it comes to playing and spending time with our children. Research shows that many children who don’t get the needed attention and care from their parents at this young age, tend to suffer from low self-esteem, behavioral issues, mental health issues, and even depression. Let’s avoid these and learn now how to give our children the best versions of ourselves and let’s be happy doing so. 

The worst thing that my 3-year-old could do while we are at home is when he climbs up the kitchen counters while I cook. My blood starts to boil and I get so heated because I began to think of the countless times I had told him not to do that. I was very gentle and explained to him why its dangerous. I even let him get near the heat of the stove so he could understand what I meant. Still, every single day he would climb up and ask me if he could cook with me. Yes, I am not joking, every day! I realized I needed to be smarter and I needed to include him in my cooking. I purchased plastic kids’ knives from Amazon and I started to allow him to make his own lunch. I would give him cucumbers, apples, and hard cheese and he would chop them all up. He really enjoys “cooking” so much. He cuts it all up and puts them in bowls and he eats his lunch while I am doing something else in the kitchen. That didn’t stop him from climbing up the kitchen counters but he does it much less than before. I believe the reason is that he is getting the “cooking” out of his system. I started to think of other ways to include him in the kitchen. I let him clear the dishwasher for me by assigning him all the plastic items as well as the spoons and forks. I even let him mix my cooking pot with my help. I let him add salt and pepper to the dish I am cooking and I show him that his help is so important and that I couldn’t have done it without him. I swear to you that now when I cook, he doesn’t always come up on the counters anymore. He knows to find something else to do until I am available for him again. 

I know that not all moms are willing to do that with their little children; we all tolerate our kids in different ways. But there are other things you could do. You need to find what works for you and what keeps you and your child happy. Here is a list of things that could get you started. Try them all or try a few and see how when you want to be left alone for a few minutes, you just might succeed because you have already given him the attention he needed for the day. 

I hope these examples have inspired you to try them out. Oftentimes we get lost in the routine of taking care of our children and we forget that we actually need to play with them. Make an intention to play with your child daily, even if it is just for five minutes, and remember to give them lots of hugs and eye contact. This connection will help them thrive into healthy and joyful human beings. Always remember that no matter what, you are doing your best, and you are an amazing mamma.
