An Oceans Healing Hymn

An ocean’s healing hymn

The sun’s rays break through the clouds with colors of gold, orange, and pink, filling the skies as if you were on another planet. Can this truly be earth? Where the sun not only shines and beautifies your glowing face but it takes you to another world, through a trance. You stand there in awe as the beautiful rays of yellow shine right through you emphasizing the greens that is in your eyes which only show up when the sun hits them. Miles and miles away you see the ocean hit the sky and you wonder where does it end? How far does the ocean last; you wonder if it actually hits the sky. You turn around to see the picturesque views of deer grazing through the wide valleys of green grass and colorful succulents. There are horses galloping and you watch their tail hit their body as they freely run and explore nature as it is. An experience like this is like no other. There is no medical prescription or therapy session that can give us the satisfaction and the emotional comfort that we might get through nature. A grieving mother might forget all about her sadness while in the comfort of the beach sand. A father who worries about where his children’s next meal may come from forgets all of that as he watches the stars and sits in silence with the peace of the moon. We often hear that nature is healing, but saying nature heals is truly an understatement. Nature not only heals; the sun may give us strength as we discover just how strong it shines when we are underneath it and we feel our skin get warm.  The water in the ocean is hope for our future as we stare into it and realize there is no end in sight. The trees and the birds are our friends as they listen to the venting of our fears and worries. The key is to actually get out in nature and allow it to heal us. 

Many psychologists prescribe nature to their patients and there is a very good reason for it. Sadly we live in a place where many of us would rather take a pill than take a hike in the forest, or truthfully even at a local park. I want to share how many refugees have found peace in nature through trips they were lucky to be able to be a part of. REDA offers these trips for qualifying refugees and in my opinion, these trips seem to be one of the most important services REDA can offer. As I wrote before in a previous blog article, if our mental well-being is not well, we will not be able to live a life of fulfillment or even a productive and happy life. Many adults, in this case, refugees have not felt the dirt under their feet since they were children. Many have never felt sand in their own hands or feet. When one is in nature, we tend to forget who we are, and we easily let go! We naturally let the sounds, smells, and sights of nature around us take over. We might even have flashbacks of our childhood. Often times we feel we are being taken care of by the ocean, and even by God just by allowing us to witness his creation in this form. 

That is exactly how many refugees felt as they made their way to Bodega Bay and Point Reyes in the Bay Area, California. Many felt the ocean for the first time. Tears filled their eyes as they witnessed life outside of their homes and their day-to-day lives. Many thanked the trip organizers for simply smiling in their faces and allowing them to be taken care of. They felt like they were allowed to just exist without any responsibility. Single moms were able to take deep breaths while members of REDA kept their children occupied. These moms said they never imagined that they would ever see the ocean. They never imagined leaving Sacramento! Without these trips, these moms would not have been able to afford to take their families out. There were a couple of single moms on these trips and they had told REDA members that it felt good not having to worry about what they will feed their kids that day or what their kids might be up to. They were very appreciative and could not be more grateful for the opportunity. They were able to take a break from motherhood and responsibility. Children’s laughter and adult conversations filled the beach as they flew their kites and were reminded of their previous lives in Afghanistan. The cold skies were full of beautiful kites and adults and their children watching with peace and awe. There was an elderly couple who had one disabled child and two disabled grandchildren whom they are raising and taking care of. They were able to manage babysitting and joined the nature trip to Point Reyes. They were so grateful because it was such a treat to just be out in nature as a couple without any of the kids. 

An Iraqi refugee was reminded of his days as a caption on a ship. He told stories of how he spent a big part of his life on the ocean and he never thought he would be able to visit the ocean again. He was reminded that he is an individual with hobbies and expertise and he can benefit his community. This captain offered to give classes to anyone that would like to learn from him and his expertise. He felt he was an important contributor and that was due to being in nature. A single mom cooked to make ends meet and offered her catering services to her community members and even to REDA. It is very comforting to know that the trip she was on made her feel like she wanted to give back. Another refugee was a gardener in his previous life and his love for gardening still exists. He also offered to teach botanic and gardening classes to people in his community. 

 Giving from yourself when you already don’t have much tells a lot about a person. Being in nature and being around other people you can connect with changes everything.  Many refugees are just simply living and trying to get by. They forget about who they once were and their previous success and happiness. Trips to nature were a reminder that they are needed. It was a boost in confidence and a boost in their positive self-image. Many refugees were reminded of their self-worth and it was a beautiful thing to witness. 

It is no surprise that being in nature may help reduce stress levels and helps restore your focus- thus leading to long term health benefits. Next time you need a break, just take a walk outside. No matter where you live, it is possible. It can be down the street from your apartment, at a local park where you can see and hear kids playing, or at a walking trail. Stroll with the squirrels and listen to the birds and let your natural instincts kick in. let your heart heal as it slowly clears itself from the stress that envelopes it. Let your mind clear of all negative thoughts and ideas that may surround you. Close your eyes, sit under a tree, it is okay to get dirty, and let go. Pretend you are not just a short distance from home, and let nature and God’s beauty guide your thoughts. I believe that nature is meant to be a means of comfort for us. Next time you have a headache or you feel anxiety coming around, take a step outside and just breathe. 

10.05 .22