
What can I do remotely?

There are a number of ways to deliver your seminars at a distance.

Run a webinar from home or office

  • Use Zoom to run a seminar with remote students. This can be scheduled in Moodle prior to the event.

  • Try using the tools listed in the Lectures section to pre-record a session and arrange a 'live viewing' with students.
    Arrange to watch the pre-recorded video together whilst discussing the topics raised in a Moodle Chat.

  • You can use Padlet to creatively share ideas with students. It is like a post-it note board but also be used to create Timelines, Interactive Maps and blog like discussions.

Requirements for Staff

You need a microphone (often these are built-in to laptops) and headphones to be able to hear student responses.

Requirements for Students

Students need a microphone (often these are built-in to laptops) and headphones to be able to participate in audio discussion.