Collaborative and group discussion

What can I do remotely?

There are a number of ways to facilitate collaborative and group discussion online. The tips below function as a basic guide.

Discussion forums

Online discussion forums can be an effective way to get students discussing a topic.
Find out more about adding discussion forums.


The wiki activity module in Moodle enables participants to add and edit a collection of web pages.
A wiki can be collaborative, with everyone being able to edit it, or individual, where everyone has their own wiki which only they can edit. Find out more about
adding wikis in Moodle.

Google Docs

Google Docs are an excellent way of getting students to work together.
Find out more about Google Docs.


Zoom is a video conferencing platform that can also be used to run a virtual classroom session.
A Zoom session can be recorded using Panopto, this will then provide the auto caption functions of Panopto.
Zoom has the option of creating Breakout Rooms on-the-fly during a session for a quick informal exercise as well as being used to create predetermined groups prior to the session. This might be for students working on a project together where the group would not change week on week.
Find out more about Zoom.