Creating pre-populated breakout rooms
Step 1: Navigate to
Step 2: Within Zoom you will see the sessions that have been created both in Zoom, Google Calendar and Moodle.
In this example, we have created a classroom session in Moodle that requires specific groups.
Step 3: Navigate to the session you wish to amend and select "Edit" to the right of the title and Meeting ID. This may only appear when you hover over the session.
Step 4: Scroll down until you find the Meeting Options. From here, click and select "Breakout Room pre-assign"
Step 5: Once selected, click "Import from CSV". This will allow you to upload a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file that contains all the groups.
If you don't have a CSV file, clicking the import option will also allow you download a template.
Step 6: If you download the template, it will open in Excel and allow you to fill in the two columns: Pre-assign Room Name and Email Address.
You will be able to give the rooms a specific name should the groups have a unique identifier.
Once you have completed the template and saved it (keeping the file format of CSV as an Excel document will not work), you will be able to drag and drop the file into the system.
Step 7: The groups will then display. Confirm by clicking save.
The display will show how many breakout rooms have been created. You can edit this should people need to be moved between groups, or if you need to create another group.