Moodle - Quiz

What does the Quiz activity do?

The Quiz activity enables a teacher to create quizzes comprising questions of various types, including multiple choice, matching, short-answer and numerical. The teacher can allow the quiz to be attempted multiple times, with the questions shuffled or randomly selected from the question bank - including adding a time limit. Each attempt is marked automatically, with the exception of essay questions, and the grade is recorded in the gradebook. The teacher can choose when and if hints, feedback and correct answers are shown to students. Creating a quiz happens in two stages; adding the quiz to Moodle then populating it with questions.

Quizzes may be used:

  • As course exams

  • As mini tests for reading assignments or at the end of a topic

  • As exam practice, using questions from past exams

  • To deliver immediate feedback about performance

  • For self-assessment

Part 1: Adding a quiz

Step 1

Before you can make any changes to your Moodle site content you must first enable editing. To do this, click on the 'Edit mode' button located at the top right of the page.

Edit button activated in Moodle

Step 2

With editing enabled, you will see the following button in each topic:

Add an activity or resource button in Moodle

Click to open the Add an activity or resource menu and scroll down to locate the Quiz tool. Click on the icon to start adding your quiz.

Resource browser in Moodle, quiz highlighted

Step 3

You will now see the 'Adding a new quiz' page, you will be required to give your quiz a name, assessment type and weighting here. You can also add a description, but this is optional - this only display if you choose it to do so by clicking on "Display description on course page".

Adding a new Quiz - General settings in Moodle

Step 4

From the Timing and Grade settings, you may want to consider setting the following options to help you manage the quiz activity:

  • Open the quiz / Close the quiz – set an open and close date and time for the quiz (note that this is not the same as restricting access). Before the opening time (if this is enabled) the students will be able to view the Introduction to the quiz, but will not be able to see the questions. After the closing time (if this is enabled) students will not be able to start a new attempt, however, answers submitted after the closing time will be saved but not marked.

  • Time limit – by default, students have as much time as they need to complete a quiz. If you specify a time limit, perhaps for an assessment, then a countdown timer is shown in the quiz navigation block. If the timer runs out, the quiz can be submitted automatically with whatever answers the student has given up to that point. Alternatively, you choose to discount all answers if the student does not submit before the time expires (note that a quiz can last a different period for different groups or individual users).

  • Attempts allowed – students may be allowed multiple attempts at a quiz. If more than one attempt is selected, it is then possible to choose how the final score is calculated. If the quiz is randomized, the student will see a new version of the quiz for each attempt.

Timing and Grade menus for quizzes in Moodle

Step 5

You can now edit Layout and Question behaviour.

Layout allows you to determine the questions shown per page. Shuffle questions will randomise the order.

How questions behave sets how students interact with questions in the quiz...

  • Deferred feedback allows students to enter an answer to each question and then submit the entire quiz, before anything is graded or they get any feedback.

  • Interactive with multiple tries allows students to submit each question as they go along and get immediate feedback and – if they do not get the answer right immediately – have another try for fewer marks.

Within Show more... you can select the option "Each attempt builds on the last"; each new quiz attempt will then contain the results of the previous attempt, allowing a quiz to be completed over several attempts.

Layout menu for quizzes in Moodle
Question behaviour menu for quizzes in Moodle

Step 6

The Review options settings control what information students will be shown when they review their past quiz attempts (or during their attempt if in adaptive mode). Click on the question marks next to each option to find out more about them.

Review options include:

  • Immediately after the attempt – within two minutes of the attempt being finished.

  • Later, while the quiz is still open – after two minutes of the attempt being finished, and before the quiz close date/time.

  • After the quiz is closed – after the close date/time for the quiz.

The Appearance options will not be relevant in all quizzes; however, depending on your quiz type, you may require the final score to contain decimal places.

Review options menu for quizzes in Moodle
Appearance options in Moodle for quiz

Step 7

If required, you can use Extra restrictions on attempts settings to restrict access to a quiz for students in various ways. You can create a password for students to enter before attempting the quiz. You can also set a time delay between students’ first and second attempts, and between later attempts.

For high-stakes summative assessment, you may require the use of the Safe Exam Browser; contact for more information.

Safe Exam Browser and Extra restrictions menus for quizzes in Moodle

Step 8

Use the Overall feedback section to choose feedback boundaries for your quiz, so feedback can be given depending on the grade obtained. Boundaries are set from 100% down to 0%. Within these limits it is possible to set appropriate increments; an example would be to have feedback cascade from 100% > 75% > 50% > 25% and then 0%. Feedback boundaries can be customised, and you can add as many as you wish.

Overall feedback menu for quizzes in Moodle

Step 9

After completing the required sections above, click Save and display at the bottom of the setup page to view your quiz. You'll now be able to add questions.

Highlighted Save and display button in Moodle.

Part 2: Adding the questions

Step 1

You should now be viewing your empty quiz, as in the image below. If you moved away from your quiz, you can navigate here from your module homepage at any time by simply clicking on the link to your quiz.

Click on Add question to get started.

Empty quiz page in Moodle, with 'add question' highlighted

Step 2

If this is the first quiz created in a module, the next step is to click on Add then + a new question.

Note: Every question created will be added into the Question bank and can be quickly added to any quiz by clicking + from question bank. It is possible to add a random selection of the questions from the Question bank, by clicking + a random question.

Questions setting in Moodle, with 'add a new question' highlighted

Step 3

After choosing to add a new question, a range of question types will be shown.

When selecting the question type, a short description of how the question behaves is displayed in the right-hand column. Once you have chosen your question type click Add. Further guidance on how to set up specific question types can be found here Moodle help guide or contact

Question type menu for quizzes in Moodle, short answer selected

Step 4

Add in your question text and answers. Once you have entered your question, click Save changes to save it and return to the main Questions screen.

Short answer question showing the question and how many marks it is worth
Answers for the question highlighted, with correct answer identified.  Save changes highlighted at the bottom.

Step 5

Continue to add questions following steps 2 and 3 above until you have populated your quiz.

Once you have your quiz ready, it is possible to change the grades and reorder the questions using the crosshairs cursors.

Two questions added in quiz.  Cursor highlighted to move the questions or edit them.

Step 6

Now you've finished your quiz, you can return to it any time by clicking on the quiz link in the module home page. Once you've done this:

  • To view your quiz, click on Quiz in the top navigation menu, then "Preview quiz".

  • To go back and edit it the settings you chose in Part 1, click on Settings in the navigation menu.

Quiz 1 as appearing in Moodle with the settings tab viewed.

Step 7

When students have finished the quiz, you will be able to review answers and identify any areas where students have struggled as a whole or review specific students answers through the "Results" tab.

When a quiz has been attempted, you will no longer be able to add, remove or edit questions.

Quiz menu as displayed in Moodle with the results tab selected.