Moodle - Folder
What does the Folder resource do?
Folders help keep your unit homepage organised by containing multiple files; this will help you, and site users, to navigate easily to content and resources.
Adding a Folder
Step 1
Before you can make any changes to your Moodle site content, you must first enable editing. To do this, click on the 'Edit mode' button located at the top right of the page.
Step 2
With editing enabled, you will see in each topic the following button:
Step 3
Click the Folder icon from the list to add. You can find more information about folders by clicking "Explore this tool".
Step 4
Add a name for your folder. You can also add a description, and choose whether to display it on the course page (if not, students will see it when clicking on the folder).
Step 5
The purpose of a Folder is to hold multiple files. To attach a file to upload, click on the add icon to display the file picker. Alternatively, you can drag and drop your files into the file area below this.
Step 6
You can now choose where you want to upload your file from. As an example, we will use 'upload a file' - click on 'Choose file' to select your file and "Open" to attach it. You also have the option to rename the file here, add authors or choose a licence. When you are done, click 'Upload this file'.
Step 7
You should now see that your file has been added and is shown in the 'Select files' area. Repeat this process for all your files. Alternatively, selecting multiple files at once or using the 'drag and drop' method can sometimes be quicker.
Step 8
When you are finished, click on 'Save and return to course' button.