Accessibility Checker in MS Word

MS Word has a built-in accessibility checker which can help the content creator test the overall accessibility of the document. The checker provides Inspection Results, feedback about the importance of each item, and tips on how to repair issues.

The video below demostrates where you can find the Accessibility Checker in MS Word and how to use it to help you find and fix any accessibility issues your document might have.

Alternatively, refer to the step by step guide on how to improve accessibility of Word document with the Accessibility Checker.


If you don't see the Check Accessibility button on the Review tab, you might have an older version of the app. Follow these steps to open the Accessibility Checker.

  1. Select 'File' > 'Info'.

  2. Select the 'Check for Issues' button.

  3. In the 'Check for Issues' drop-down menu, select 'Check for Issues'.