Prepare and convert Word Document to accessible PDF

If your Word document will be converted to a PDF, there are some additional actions that you will need to complete to make it accessible.

Adding a title to your Word document

  1. Open a Word file.

  2. Select File.

  3. In the Properties, section click in the Title field and type in a meaningful title for your document.

Other settings

  1. Select 'File'.

  2. Select 'Save as Adobe PDF' (you may be prompted to save your Word Document if you have not saved it).

Avoid using 'Print' > 'Print to PDF' to create PDF files. The generated file will NOT be accessible.

  1. The 'Save Adobe PDF File As' dialogue box will open.

  2. Select the 'Options' Button.

  3. Ensure the following options are selected and click on 'OK'.

    1. Convert document information.

    2. Create PDF/ A.

    3. Create Bookmarks.

    4. Convert Word Headings to Bookmarks.

    5. Convert Comments.

  4. The PDF document will open with a banner across the top "This file contains compliance with the PDF/A standard and has been opened read-only to prevent modification".

  5. Select 'Enable Editing'.

  6. A warning box will appear alerting you for the need to save the PDF using File --> Save As Other -- >PDF/A once you have finished editing the document.