Moodle - Scheduler

What does the Scheduler activity do?

The Scheduler module allows you to schedule one-to-one or group appointments with your students. You specify the periods during which you are available to see the students and the length of each appointment. The students then book themselves into one of the available time slots. The module also lets you record the attendance and grade the appointment, if required.

Creating a Scheduler is done in two stages. In the first stage, you create your Scheduler page, and in the second stage, add the time slots.

Part 1: Adding a Scheduler

Step 1: enable editing

Before you can make any changes to your Moodle site content you must first enable editing. To do this, click on the 'Edit mode' button located at the top right of the page.

Step 2: add a Scheduler activity

With editing enabled, you will see the following button in each topic:

Add an activity or resource button in Moodle

Click to open the Add an activity or resource menu, then find and click on the Scheduler tool icon.

Screenshot of 'add and activity or resource' pop up, with scheduler activity highlighted

Step 3: give it a name

You will now see the Adding a new Scheduler page. Add a name for your Scheduler, and an introduction if needed.

Step 4: the additional settings

Complete the settings you require for the remainder of the Scheduler.

The Options section has some very useful settings as follows:

  • Role name of the teacher: appears in the booking form seen by the students. It will default to 'teacher' if you do not change it.

  • Mode: restricts how (and whether) students can book multiple appointments

  • Booking in groups: allows students to book an appointment slot for all the members of their group

  • Guard time: prevents students from booking last minute appointments or dropping out at the last minute. For example, setting it to 2 hours means students can’t book or cancel an appointment within 2 hours of the start time.

  • Default slot duration: the default length of appointments (you can adjust this and set dates and times later)

  • Notifications: choose whether to notify the teacher and students when appointments are applied for or cancelled

  • Use notes for appointments: teachers can create notes for the appointment and select who will see these

The next setting sections are optional:

  • Grade: if you wish to grade the appointments, choose a point or scale grade here

  • Booking form and student supplied data: allows you to configure a separate booking screen (with instructions, CAPTCHA, or file upload capability). This is seen by students before they can book a slot. More information is available in the booking form page instructions.

  • Common module settings: as for other Moodle activities, this lets you choose group mode or hide the module

  • Restrict access: controls access depending on factors such as date, student grade or activity completion

  • Activity completion: turns on completion tracking

  • Tags: allows tags to be set for this activity

Step 5: Save your Scheduler

After completing the sections you require, click Save and display at the bottom of the setup page to view your scheduler. You are then ready to add time slots.

Part 2: Adding the time slots and managing appointments

Step 1: Add the slots

In your new Scheduler page, under Slots, click on Add slots and select either repeated or single slot.

Step 2: dates and times and settings

Complete the settings (see image below) as required, for example with dates and time / time ranges, breaks between slots, numbers of students per slot, and location (for example a Zoom link or room).

Then click Save changes. Your students will now be able to book a slot when they open the Scheduler in Moodle.

Step 3: Other actions

When you return to the Scheduler, you will see the booking slots, with details of any students who have arranged an appointment. You can click on icons in the Action column to delete a slot, edit the appointment settings (more details below) or revoke an appointment.

Attendance: You can mark a student as 'seen' by ticking the box next to their name in the Students column in the Slots section. The person icon in the Action column changes from blue to black when they have been seen (after you have refreshed the page).

Click on the settings cog next to a student's name in the actions column (image above) to edit the appointment details, add notes or mark attendance (image below).

Screenshot of appointment settings page, to show notes and attendance fields.

Step 4: Schedule an appointment for a student

If you need to schedule meetings for specific students yourself, scroll down on your main Scheduler page to the Schedule by student section. Click on Schedule.

Here, either choose an existing slot or schedule in a new slot by completing the details.