Moodle - H5P
What does H5P activity do?
The H5P activity module enables you to create interactive content such as Interactive Videos, Question Sets, Drag and Drop Questions, Multi-Choice Questions, Presentations and much more.
In addition to being an authoring tool for rich content, H5P enables you to import and export H5P files for effective reuse and sharing of content.
User interactions and scores are tracked using xAPI and are available through the Moodle Gradebook. Note that it is currently possible for people with programming skills to cheat in H5P interactions and obtain the full score without knowing the correct answers. H5Ps must not be used for exams or similar.
You add interactive H5P content by creating content using the built-in authoring tool or uploading H5P files found on other H5P enabled sites.
Each Content Type requires specific content – The following is a link to examples for each content type.
Adding H5P in Moodle
Step 1
Before you can make any changes to your Moodle site content you must first enable editing. To do this, click on the 'Edit mode' button located at the top right of the page.
Step 2
With editing enabled, you will see the following button in each topic:
Step 3
Clicking the button will bring up the Add an activity or resource menu. Select H5P Interactive content from the menu.
Step 4
You can also add a description and expected time of study of your H5P activity here, but this is optional - the description will only display if you choose it to do so by clicking on "Display description on course page".
Step 5
Next, scroll down to the Editor options and select which H5P content type you would like to use. You can click on Details to get an overview of the content type, and once selected, there is the option to view a tutorial and example of the activity you have chosen.
If you don't see the editor - you have probably clicked on H5P, not H5P Interactive content. Pressing back in your browser will get you back to your module screen to add the correct resource.
Step 6
You will now be taken through a range of steps to create your interactive H5P - these will vary between activity types. Follow the instructions to complete your activity.
If you need more help creating your chosen activity, have a look at the H5P content types and tutorials here .
Once you have completed your H5P activity, click Save and display to view it.