Zoom is a web conferencing tool that allows 1-2-1 or 1-2-many communications.

A MyPort article demonstrates how to register, install and use Zoom for the University. It demonstrates how to add it from AppsAnywhere for PC and how to get access from a Mac (as the Mac version is not on AppsAnywhere).

Guidance on "Waiting Rooms" in Zoom

Guidance in allowing the changing of names.

Zoom in Moodle and pre-populated break out rooms

Zoom allows you to mute participants on entry, provide breakout sessions and share your screen.

The first video below shows you how to create a Zoom session within Moodle. The second video shows how to create breakout groups for sessions where the groups are predetermined. "On-the-fly" groups can be automatically and randomly created as required for activities inside of Zoom.

A step by step guide