Read - Archive 2020

Here are some useful articles that we have come across in 2020 by academics and support staff, which are being shared with tips and tricks and colleagues sharing their experience of online teaching . . .

Encouraging engagement in breakout room activities

Using Zoom breakout rooms to facilitate interaction between students during online teaching sessions.

Published 10th Nov 2020

#52etc | Advance HE - ToolKit

#52etc is a toolkit for colleagues to use, adapt and develop within their teaching practice to enhance student engagement. The toolkit provides a ‘high-impact - low tech’ resource that is readily accessible, practical and specifically directed to enhancing student engagement. #52etc has been specifically developed for any taught environment, whether that is face to face, online or blended.

52etc – a toolkit for student engagement (pdf)

#52etc cards (pdf)

Published 9th Nov 2020

Connected Learning Essentials – now open to teaching staff outside of UCL
The Connected Learning Essential Programme was developed by UCL as a way for staff to learn more about online teaching and learning. The programme is now open to staff outside of UCL and resources are now available for reuse (CC) in Word, or as a Moodle course export.

Published 8th October 2020

On Your Marks: Learner-focused Feedback Practices and Feedback Literacy

This publication, the first major publication about assessment and feedback from Advance HE, has its origins at a symposium held in York, in October 2019, entitled On your marks: re-evaluating feedback and marking practices. The symposium brought together a wide range of speakers, who addressed equally diverse issues in relation to this theme, in a series of presentations, workshops and discussions.

Published 25th August 2020

Enhancing Digital Teaching & Learning in Irish Universities

EDTL Approach: Considerations for Lab-based Subjects

Moving labs to the online environment is proving to be an extremely difficult exercise in the short term. Some disciplines are more suited to temporary remedies than others. Timeframe and budget are the two main limitations. These case studies and resources are indicative of measures available to transition labs from face-to-face to fully or partly online.

Published 24th August 2020

LSE Impact Blog

Retaining the Human Touch When Supporting Students in Transitioning to Asynchronous Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

The transition to online, asynchronous learning poses just as many challenges for students entering the online classroom as it does for academics mastering the platform. Cynthia Wheatley Glenn outlines what to look out for to spot students who might be struggling and key strategies for assisting students in overcoming barriers to successful participation in online learning communities.

Published 21st August 2020

Commonwealth of Learning

Guide to Blended Learning

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) has the mandate to promote the development and sharing of open learning and distance education knowledge, resources and technologies. It has brought out several key publications and guides to help its stakeholders use appropriate technologies for enhancing teaching and learning.

Published 11th August 2020

Pedagogy and Pancakes - Chris Headleand - University of Lincoln

Improving video quality in learning materials
I have created this quick guide to help people to improve the visual quality of their filmed learning materials (or video calls). For many of us this is the first time that we will be filming videos and won’t have encountered any of these issues before. But I hope this guide will point you in the right direction.

Improving audio in learning materials
After publishing my post about how to film learning materials I had a number of people say “what about audio”. I had always planned to do a second article about improving sound quality, but I was surprised that there was so much interest.

Using OBS to edit your webcam feed
Have you ever wished you could add an animated parrot to your video calls? Or deliverer a “picture in picture” presentation, allowing you present your teaching materials like a TV meteorologist? Me too! However, the customisation options available through Microsoft Teams (and other video conferencing software) is woefully limited.

Multi camera broadcasting for lab and practical sessions
I’ve been speaking to a number of colleagues from across the sector regarding the delivery and streaming of practical sessions. In Computer Science (with a few exceptions) we don’t have the same issues, as almost everything we do is in software, this is super easy to deliver just using screen-share tools. However, the reality in other lab-based practical subjects is often very different.

Published 6th August 2020

Active Learning while Physically Distancing

Common active learning strategies and corresponding approaches appropriate for face-to-face (regular as well as physically distanced), online-synchronous, online-asynchronous, and offline or low-bandwidth classrooms.

An urgency of teachers: The work of critical digital pedagogy

For at least a century now, we’ve been told stories that machines are poised to “revolutionize” education. The rationale for this revolution has remained largely unchanged: machines will make education more efficient … Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel teach towards a different future – one in which dignity is prioritized over efficiency, one in which agency and freedom are prioritized over compliance and control …

Published 28th July 2020

The Covid Files
Welcome to The COVID Files. The site presents a repository of published material designed to provide a lens for raising awareness about social inequalities created or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Published 15th July 2020

Coronavirus and Your Wellbeing

You might be worried about coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) and how it could affect your life. This may include being asked to stay at home or avoid other people. This might feel difficult or stressful. But there are lots of things you can try that could help your wellbeing.

Published 8th June 2020

Learning from disruption: exploring what counts in Higher Education

Engage with our post-conference resources including session recordings, paper and toolkits.

Published 2nd June 2020

5 Tips for Moving from Remote Instruction to Quality Online Learning

During the rush to remote instruction this spring, faculty and staff at higher education institutions have done their best to help maintain academic continuity. While many in the higher education community have stressed that the emergency shift to finish the spring semester via remote instruction is not online learning, a "new normal" is beginning to emerge.

Published 21st May 2020

TNE and international policy & practice

As part of our work to support the higher education sector with its response to Covid-19 pandemic, we are compiling a range of publications looking in detail at transnational education (TNE) and international practice for providers to consider and which are relevant to the medium and longer term

Published 20th May 2020

Effective Practice in UK Transnational Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic

QAA has produced Thematic guidance on academic standards and supporting student success, the principles of which apply irrespective of how or where provision is delivered. Nonetheless, transnational education (TNE) accounts for a substantial proportion of the UK higher education sector and there are some distinctive elements of that offer which this paper seeks to highlight.

Published 20th May 2020

Admissions and Transitions: Signpost to Information and Resources

This paper provides links to information and resources for admissions and transitions in four tables: • Regulatory guidance for providers in England • Guidance for providers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland • Supporting resources • Comment, opinion and background.

Published 20th May 2020

Covid-19: Overview of Quality and Standards - Information for Students' Unions

The Covid-19 crisis, and the world's response to it, is an extraordinary global situation, changing by the day. It affects all industries and areas of life, but the higher education sector faces a particular set of challenges.

Published 20th May 2020

University World News

Using social distance to strengthen university communities

Published 9th May 2020

Guidelines for Engaging in Online Communication

The purpose of this resource is to set out guidelines that enable successful communication in online settings by Hibernia College faculty, adjunct faculty, staff and students. Online communication can create barriers that do not exist in face-to-face communication due to the lack of visual and paralinguistic (facial expression, intonation, gesture, body orientation) cues and time gaps within conversations.

Published 7th May 2020

Academic lives are in transition

A group of university academics set out to capture and profile academic lives-in-transition as a result of the pandemic. Here's the results...

Published 4th May 2020

Collaborative online activities: a guide to good practice

Over the years, our students have consistently told us in surveys and interviews that they like studying independently and don’t like studying collaboratively. Despite this, modules that have collaborative work ‘designed-in’ appear to do much better in terms of retaining students.

What (Some) Students Are Saying about the Switch to Remote Teaching and Learning

Learning what is and isn't working for students in the move to remote learning is invaluable, but it is especially important right now as online courses are being developed rapidly, iteratively, and under pressure.

Published 6th April 2020

Focus On: Technology Enhanced Learning

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), our Focus On topic for 2019-20, has become particularly relevant as the sector manages its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. QAA Scotland’s Focus On projects help the sector address recommendations and commendations from Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR). The aim is to provide practical resources that can help you to make a real difference in a short space of time.

Published 1st April 2020

Practice-based activities: Labs, Studios and Fieldwork

This guide provides advice and links to resources to help staff develop online and blended alternatives to labs, studios and fieldwork.

Covid-19 hub - sector resources

This page contains a collation of resources from across the sector which we hope will be helpful. While some are aimed at a particular institution's students, they also include information which may be useful to everyone.

Published March 2020

Trading Classroom Authority for Online Community

Early web commenters referred to the Internet as a primitive, lawless place like the “Wild West.” Plenty still needs to change to make certain parts of the web more civil and useful, but some aspect of the “Wild West” spirit is applicable to a discussion of student-directed learning. Too much civilization and society makes us compartmentalized and complacent.

Moving HE teaching online (you will need a LinkedIn account to view)

Share ideas, ask questions and access our free crowdsourced resource bank

QM Emergency Remote Instruction Checklist

The Quality Matters Emergency Remote Instruction (ERI) Checklist is a tiered list of considerations, tips, and actionable strategies to enact during an institutional move to temporary remote instruction of classroom-based courses.

Published March 2020

Learning Online and The Student Experience (now available for free)

My new book Learning Online: The Student Experience has been published ahead of schedule by Johns Hopkins University Press. The Press has made the book available online for free as part of its efforts to support Covid-19 responses.

Published 26th March 2020

10 Ways to Ensure Online Assessment is Accessible and Inclusive

Supporting those who Teach and Learn in the Context of Covid-19 Coronavirus

Dr Debbie Holley » Assessment & Feedback Toolkit: Promoting Assessment Literacy

We have developed an online toolkit to support staff in updating their assessment and feedback practices with the support of Professor Dai Hounsell. This was part of a far-reaching response to the HEA publication by Ball et al (2012 p7) ...

Published 24th March 2020

Videoconferencing Alternatives: How Low-Bandwidth Teaching Will Save Us All

Daniel Stanford discusses solutions for online teaching that may help save bandwidth, be more accessible to students, and create a unified online learning environment.

Published 16th March 2020

Teach Remotely - Best Practices: Online Pedagogy

This section is designed to help you think about how you’ll teach online.

Published March 2020

OneHE - Moving Your Teaching Online

If you have a resource you want us to add, or have spotted something you think others will find useful, email us or mention @oneheglobal on Twitter. We will be monitoring social media daily...

Published March 2020

Coronavirus: Five Ways to Work Well from Home

Thousands of people are likely to be working from home for the first time this week due to the coronavirus outbreak. For others, it's just like any other week.

Published 17th March 2020

Tech Stuff: Some Thoughts on Working From Home

With the ongoing threat of the coronavirus and many organisations looking to allow workers to work from home to reduce the threat of infection and transmission of the virus.

Published 12th March 2020

Please Do a Bad Job of Putting Your Courses Online

I’m absolutely serious. For my colleagues who are now being instructed to put some or all of the remainder of their semester online, now is a time to do a poor job of it.

Published 12th March 2020

Coronavirus: 14 Simple Tips for Better Online Teaching

The past few days have seen increasing numbers of schools and universities across the world announce that they are moving to online-only learning. Hundreds of thousands of teachers are busy working to move their face-to-face lessons online. Designing online courses takes significant time and effort.

Published 16th March 2020

Remote Teaching Guidance

This is the remote teaching guidance developed by colleagues in the Centre for Innovation in Education at the University of Liverpool, UK.

Published 15th March 2020

Ramblings of a Remote Worker

This blog was the ramblings and reflections of Marieke Guy. It covers cultural issues, organisational attitudes and useful technologies related to remote working. Although it closed in September 2015, there are still lots of advice and support posts that might be useful!

Published 11th March 2020

Academe in the Red Zone

Matthew Loveless describes life as a professor in Italy during the coronavirus outbreak.

Published 11th March 2020

Don't Forget the Human Side of Homeworking

For some, working from home is already an established and welcome way of life, whilst for others a sudden and enforced period of homeworking can feel like a daunting disruption to normality.

Published 11th March 2020

Take My Advice

Seventeen instructors offer guidance for colleagues teaching an online course for the first time (and for those seeking a few new ideas)

Published 11th March 2020

10 Tips for First-Time Online Faculty

… Suddenly Forced to Teach Online Due to a Global Pandemic

Published 11th March 2020