
How to get your UoP Padlet account

To access the university's Padlet licence please follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select Log in with Google

  3. Use your standard University Google ID to create an account

  4. If you have a account you can migrate over your previous content

  5. Information on Padlet security and privacy levels within the university licence.

What students can do.

The university Padlet Backpack account is only available to members of staff. When a member of staff signs up (as above) within Padlet the account is a "student" account. Our students ( are not able to create Padlet accounts within our domain. A student can create a Padlet account within the main site however if a student signs in to they are no longer able to access the UoP backpack account. So while the students are able to access the padlets as anonymous users there is no way to get them signed into the padlets that we create.

Student Guide

This is a quick guide for students getting started with Padlet at UoP.

what is Padlet.pdf

For further guidance on Padlet and to view the Padlet Sessions that the TEL Team held at our recent Blended Learning Festival click here.