Moodle - URL

What does the URL resource do?

The URL resource allows you to link directly to an external website/resource, while also offering the functionality for you to search various sources for web links and quickly and conveniently add them to your units.

Adding a URL

Step 1

Before you can make any changes to your Moodle site content you must first enable editing. To do this, click on the 'Edit mode' button located at the top right of the page.

Edit button activated in Moodle

Step 2

With editing enabled, you will see in each topic the following button:

Add an activity or resource button in Moodle

Step 3

Click the URL icon from the list to add. You can find more information about URLs by clicking "Explore this tool".

Resource browser in Moodle, URL highlighted

Step 4

Add a name and copy the URL into the box. You can also add a description and expected time of study here, but this is optional - the description will only display if you choose it to do so by clicking on "Display description on course page".

Adding a URL in Moodle, general settings - showing name, link and description

Step 4

From the Appearance settings below you can to choose how you want your URL to display. You must select one of the following options from the Display drop-down box:

  • Automatic – the best display option for the file type is selected automatically

  • Embed – will embed the website into the page (after clicking on the link) at its original dimensions

  • Open – will show the website full-screen within the existing browser window

  • In pop-up – will display a popup window

Step 5

When you are finished, click on 'Save and return to course' button.

Save and return to course button highlighted in Moodle