Moodle – Google Assignment

What does the Google Assignment resource do?

Using the Google Assignment activity allows students to upload a range of large files, such as videos via Moodle.

Adding a Google Assignment

Step 1

Before you can make any changes to your Moodle site content you must first enable editing. To do this, click on the 'Edit mode' button located at the top right of the page.

Edit button activated in Moodle

Step 2

With editing enabled, you will see in each topic the following button:

Add an activity or resource button in Moodle

Step 3

Click the Google Assignment icon from the list to add. You can find more information about Google Assignments by clicking "Explore this tool".

Resource browser in Moodle, Google Assignments highlighted

Step 4

Enter an Activity Name for your assignment. By clicking Show more, you can also add a description and expected time of study here, but this is optional - the description will only display if you choose it to do so by clicking on "Display description on course page".

Add new external tool in Moodle.  Activity name and expected study time filled out.

Step 5

When you are finished, click on 'Save and display' button.

Save and display button in Moodle

Step 6

You will be asked to link your Google account for your first login, click Link.

Account link screen in Google, link highlighted

Step 7

Your assignment will appear and you can now set a deadline and add a plagiarism check.

Note: You can only enable the plagiarism originality reports for FIVE assignments per module.

Google assignment screen, due date and check plagiarism highlighted

Step 8

Click on the pencil icon in the top right hand corner to add submission instructions. When finished click Save.

Pencil tool shown in Google, highlighting editing of assignment title and instructions

Step 9

You can add a marking rubric by clicking the pop-out icon next to the title to open a new window. You will now have the option to add a rubric. To learn more about adding rubrics in Google Assignment, teachers, please read this help guide.

Google assignment screen, pop out icon highlighted
Google assignment screen, add rubric highlighted

Step 10

When you are finished - return to your course homepage. Your Google Assignment is now set and ready to go.