Student Portal
Welcome to the Cerdon College Student Portal. This site will become your gateway to the ever growing list of resources to help you make your study at Cerdon College a success.
RUOK? Its not just a single day ...
Mobile phone policy
Mobile phones are for emergency use for out of school hours. All mobile phones are to be switched OFF at all times during the school day. Urgent calls by students or parents must be made via the School Office. The school accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to electronic equipment.
All contact with parents during school hours MUST be made through the College Office.
Any student caught using such equipment will have a demerit recorded in Compass; three demerits for phone use will result in an after school detention. Parents will be notified of each demerit and of any after school detention through Compass.
Images taken of the school or of Cerdon College staff or students cannot be published without permission from the Principal.
Family & School Partnership Principles
Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) acknowledges that parents and carers are the first educators of their children. CSPD and its schools value parents and carers as partners and this partnership is critical in supporting each child to achieve their best throughout their learning and faith journey.
Working together
This document outlines the responsibilities of parents, carers, educators and staff in CSPD schools to ensure that everyone feels welcomed and valued. The faith development, learning and wellbeing of every child is a shared responsibility between the school and parents/carers.
Our Catholic faith calls us to care for one another and create communities where everyone can flourish. In line with Standard 3 of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards, parents and carers are invited to participate in decisions affecting their children and be engaged with their school communities. It is widely acknowledged that students thrive when parents/carers work together with educators and support staff who are skilled in supporting students’ learning and wellbeing.
Building Strong Partnerships
A mutual commitment to building strong partnerships between schools and families is critical to creating relationships that are based on transparency, honesty and respect. Our Catholic schools are committed to ensuring that schools are places of welcome and belonging, and provide a safe space for all members of their community.
Shared Commitments
Your school’s commitments:
● treat every member of the school community with dignity and respect
● ensure the school is a safe and caring places where every child and young person can flourish and achieve to the best of their abilities
● make your child’s faith formation, learning and wellbeing our priorities
● be partners and collaborators with you in your child’s faith, learning and wellbeing
● provide you with information about your child’s progress and wellbeing that is timely, accurate and easy to understand
● work with you to understand and resolve any issues or concerns you may have about your child
● be available to speak with you at a mutually convenient time
● ensure your concerns or complaints are heard in a fair and timely way
● ensure our written communications use clear and understandable language
treat communications with confidentiality whenever this is appropriate.
Your commitments:
● treat every member of the school community with respect
● ensure your child attends school every day of the school year, unless they have an
approved reason for absence (usually only illness or an unavoidable commitment)
● work with teachers and school staff to understand and resolve any issues or
concerns you may have about your child
● respect the privacy of every member of the school community, including when
● support the school’s rules and processes that are in place for the wellbeing, good behaviour and effective learning of all students
● contribute to a school community where safety is the priority and intimidation, bullying or harassment are not tolerated
● support the school’s high expectations for your child’s learning and wellbeing.
Complaints Resolutions Process
CSPD promotes and maintains positive relationships and harmonious working environments. The Guidelines for Parents and Carers in Raising Complaints outlines the principles CSPD will follow when dealing with complaints other than those related to child protection or corrupt conduct. If you have a concern or complaint, please raise this with your child’s school in the first instance, starting with the classroom teacher and then your school’s principal leader. If you remain unsatisfied with the response from your child’s school, please contact The flow chart at the end of this document describes the way concerns should be raised.
Communication should always respect the dignity of every person. This is particularly important when dealing with complex matters. Listening to each other and having respectful conversations are important for partnerships to be effective. Please share important information about your child’s progress or wellbeing with the school. Our staff will not always be available to talk right away, but will work with you to find a time that works for everyone. We may ask you to direct your emails through the school office so that we can respond quickly and find the staff member who is best able to help.
Social media is an important way to stay connected with your school community. We all have a responsibility to ensure we communicate in a respectful way when we are online. Naming and bullying, harassment or defaming individual staff, other parents or students on social media will not be tolerated.
What is not appropriate
● acting aggressively or in an intimidating way including any use of violence or threatening behaviour
● using intimidating language, including obscenities, yelling or making sexist, racist or other derogatory comments
● disrespecting school community members due to their religion, ethnicity, gender or disability
● bullying, harassing or defaming individual staff, other parents, carers or students, including on social media posts.
Family School Partnership Breakdown
CSPD has an obligation under Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws to provide a safe working environment for staff and learning environments for students. All CSPD and school staff, students and community members should feel safe in our schools.
To ensure the wellbeing of students, staff and the community, steps will be taken to respond to unacceptable behaviour by parents. Catholic schools have no tolerance for abusive or aggressive language or behaviour. When disrespectful or aggressive behaviour of parents or carers impacts the wellbeing of students and staff, action will be taken.
Parents may be restricted from visiting the school and, in more serious cases, referred to the NSW Police. If a parent or carer is found to have acted in a way that has been outlined above and is in breach of these principles, the school, with the support of CSPD, will work to address the behaviour and repair the relationship.
If this is unsuccessful, and in extreme cases, it may be appropriate for the family to be excluded from the school or from all CSPD schools. Parents and carers are referred to the Suspension, Transfer and Exclusion Policy Clause 16.2.3 which stipulates that if there is a significant breach in the enrolment contract between the school and parents/carers, the student’s enrolment may be in jeopardy, and this may result in exclusion. This will be determined by the Executive Director of Schools.
Flow Chart for Raising Inquiries, Concerns & Complaints
Video conferencing guidelines for students & parents

Student Guide to Online Learning