6.6 Anti-Workplace Violence

NKY Health's Guide to Personnel Policies
  • Replaces: Supersedes all previous Personnel Policies on the same topic
  • Reviewed: Annually
  • Section Revised: 1/1/2017, 1/1/2019
  • Contact: Human Resources Administrator

NKY Health is committed to providing a workplace where all employees can feel free from threats of and/or actual verbal and/or physical harm. As such, NKY Health will not tolerate any actions by employees or visitors that harm and/or threaten its employees and/or would reasonably cause any individual to feel unsafe in the workplace. Management will address any such observed or reported action immediately and as appropriate.

Any employee who engages in such activity may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment (see section 7.4.)

6.6.1 Definition of Workplace Violence

Workplace violence includes any act of physical violence, threat of physical violence, harassment, stalking, intimidation, or other threatening, disruptive behavior that occurs either at the worksite, or arises directly from a workplace relationship. In some cases, workplace violence may encompass activity that is outside the worksite if the act(s) are directly and/or causally connected to workplace issues or matters.

6.6.2 Warning Signs for Potential Workplace Violence

The following are some, but not necessarily all, warning indicators of potential workplace violence and as such are prohibited:

  1. Intimidating, harassing, bullying, belligerent or insubordinate conduct, or other inappropriate and aggressive behavior

  2. Stalking co-workers inside or outside of the workplace, or causing them to be stalked or harassed or intimidated by others

  3. Disruption of co-workers' personal lives through conduct such as numerous and/or harassing communication(s)

  4. Numerous conflicts with clients, co-workers or supervisors

  5. Bringing a weapon into the workplace

  6. Direct or veiled threats of harm

6.6.3 Deadly Weapons

Unlawful possession or use of deadly weapons and other dangerous or hazardous devices or substances is prohibited on the premises of NKY Health.

6.6.4 Employee Responsibility Regarding Workplace Violence

To prevent workplace violence an employee must:

  1. Refrain from fighting, horseplay or other conduct that could be dangerous to self or others

  2. Report all threats or actions of violence, both direct and indirect, as soon as possible to her/his immediate supervisor, supervisor’s designee, higher authority in the chain-of-command or to the head of Human Resources

  3. Report all suspicious individuals or activities as soon as possible to her/his immediate supervisor, supervisor’s designee, higher authority in the chain-of-command or to the head of Human Resources

  4. Supply a copy of any protective order for the employee to her/his supervisor or to the head of Human Resources within one business day of issuance

  5. Notify her/his supervisor or the head of Human Resources of any domestic and/or non work-related situation(s) that has the potential for creating violent conditions in the workplace. At the discretion of the District Director of Health and/or her/his designee, other parties may also be informed when deemed necessary for the safety of employees

  6. Follow the procedures outlined in the Safety Manual for dealing with immediate threats to safety

  7. Follow all other policies, procedures and protocols designed to ensure safety at work.

  8. Bring her/his unresolved disputes or differences with other employees to the attention of her/his supervisor or the head of Human Resources before the situation escalates into violence

NKY Health encourages an employee to use the Employee Assistance Program to resolve matters that are causing ongoing anger or anguish before the issues escalate into violence.