4.2 Benefits

NKY Health's Guide to Personnel Policies
  • Replaces: Supersedes all previous Personnel Policies on the same topic
  • Reviewed: Annually
  • Section Revised: 10/12/2011, 7/1/2012, 1/1/2015, 1/1/2016, 1/1/2017, 1/1/2019, 1/1/2022
  • Contact: Human Resources Administrator

Benefits are the non-monetary assets an employee may receive in addition to pay for the services she/he provides to NKY Health. NKY Health has the right to establish and alter benefits at any time.


An employee can obtain information about benefits from Human Resources.

4.2.1 Pension Plan 

NKY Health’s pension plan is the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority (KPPA) and membership in the plan is mandatory for an eligible employee. 

An eligible employee must contribute a percentage of her/his gross salary and NKY Health must contribute a matching amount as required by statute. 

KPPA defines eligibility requirements and contribution rates.

4.2.2 Group Health, Dental and Life Insurance 

NKY Health offers group health, dental and life insurance to an eligible employee and her/his family members as defined by the respective plan document(s) associated with each benefit.

Depending upon budget and other factors, NKY Health will pay up to a designated amount of the monthly premium for group plans. Each employee is responsible for the cost of her/his premium above the designated amount.

These plans are subject to an open enrollment period during which an employee can make changes. Outside open enrollment, an employee can make changes only upon a qualifying event as defined in the respective plan document(s).

NKY Health also complies with the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA). These plans are subject to specific terms and conditions of the insurer, and the scope of benefits and offerings may change depending upon alterations and amendments to the group plan(s).

NKY Health complies with the Affordable Care Act. (See the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Compliance page of the HR Site for Employees for details.)

4.2.3 Section 125 FSA/HRA Plan 

A participant in benefit plans that meet the specific requirements and regulations of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code may pay premiums for these benefits on a pretax basis.


An eligible employee may enroll in a Flexible Spending Account whereby a designated sum will be withheld on a pretax basis to cover unreimbursed medical and dependent care expenses that meet the requirements of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code.


Depending upon budget and other factors, NKY Health may contribute funds to a Health Reimbursement Account for eligible employees who waive health insurance coverage.


These plans are subject to an open enrollment period during which an employee can make changes. Outside open enrollment, an employee can make changes only upon a qualifying event as defined in the respective plan document(s). These plans are subject to specific terms and conditions of the insurer, and the scope of benefits and offerings may change depending upon alterations and amendments to the group plan(s).

4.2.4 Workers’ Compensation Insurance 

NKY Health complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws governing workers’ compensation.

Employees are covered by the Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Law, KRS § 342.038, which stipulates that NKY Health will provide workers' compensation insurance. When an employee becomes disabled or is injured or ill as a result of and/or in connection with duties as an NKY Health employee, qualified medical bills will be paid and qualified disability payments will be made in accordance with the workers' compensation laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The head of Human Resources will be responsible for the administration of this program. Reporting On-the-Job Injuries 

An employee who sustains an injury on-the-job or suffers an illness as a result of the job, no matter how minor, must obtain appropriate medical care and immediately report the injury/illness to her/his supervisor.

(See "Chapter 4 Incident Management" of the Safety Manual on the Workplace Safety site for procedures and details for reporting.) Using Workers’ Compensation Benefits 

An employee who sustains an injury on-the-job or becomes ill as a result of the job should contact the workers’ compensation insurance carrier directly to request payment of benefits.

 An employee who must be absent from work due to a work-related injury or illness is subject to normal leave policies. Early Return to Work Program 

An employee who qualifies for workers’ compensation benefits may be required to participate in NKY Health’s Early Return to Work Program. This program is designed to assist an employee who has experienced work-related injuries to return to gainful employment. Transitional employment may or may not be in the same job classification, grade or location but will consist of a light-duty work assignment, when available, which complies with the treating medical provider’s restrictions and amendments until maximum medical recovery has been achieved.

4.2.5 Unemployment Insurance

NKY Health complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws governing unemployment.

Employees are covered by the Kentucky Unemployment Insurance Law, KRS § 341.050 - KRS § 341.051, which stipulates that NKY Health will provide unemployment insurance.

The applicable law stipulates certain circumstances under which an unemployment claim will be paid when an employee’s work schedule is reduced.

4.2.6 Liability Insurance

NKY Health carries general liability and errors and omissions insurance. 

4.2.7 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 

A merit system employee may take advantage of the Employee Assistance Program, which provides assistance with personal and work-related problems. The employee may contact the EAP provider directly to arrange for services. Personal information about the individual using the services is maintained by the provider and is protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

4.2.8 Voluntary Retirement Plan

An eligible employee may participate in one of several voluntary retirement plans offered by Kentucky Deferred Compensation Authority. These plans are voluntary and allow the employee to set aside money on a pretax basis for retirement in addition to any money that is contributed to KPPA (see section 4.2.1.) NKY Health offers a payroll deduction for deferred compensation plans but does not match contributions to the plan.

4.2.9 Credit Unions and Banks 

As part of doing business with NKY Health, various credit unions and banks may offer incentives to NKY Health employees. NKY Health does not guarantee these benefits in any way. 

4.2.10 Voluntary Insurance 

NKY Health may make available other supplemental insurance coverage beyond the group plans at 100% cost to the employee and may deduct the premium from the employee’s pay. Enrollment in supplemental insurance coverage is completely voluntary.

4.2.11 Training

NKY Health complies with all federal, state and local laws and follows best practices regarding training initiatives. Required Training 

NKY Health requires an employee to complete certain training to ensure her/his safety at work and/or to maximize her/his ability to perform her/his job.

An employee must complete all required training within the designated time frame. Offered Training

NKY Health may offer training to an employee to help her/him enhance her/his skill set, maintain a professional credential or build her/his personal knowledge. Participation in training that NKY Health offers is voluntary. Requested Training

A merit system employee may participate in training and educational opportunities including, but not limited to, seminars, conferences, workshops, correspondence courses and formal education. All training and educational opportunities paid for by NKY Health or attended during NKY Health work time must be approved using the process established by the head of Administration and Accounting and approved by the District Director of Health and/or her/his designee in advance.

4.2.12 Tuition Assistance

Depending on budget and other factors, NKY Health may pay all or part of the tuition for an active merit system employee for degrees or courses of study which have a clear and direct relationship to the work of NKY Health and have been approved by the District Director of Health and/or her/his designee in advance. Eligibility for Tuition Assistance

Assistance may be granted for any or all of the following:

Assistance may not be granted for any of the following:

Staff must complete a Tuition Assistance Application to take advantage of this benefit and may be placed on a wait list (see section if necessary.

Each fiscal year, funding for the tuition assistance benefit will be established in the District budget, as finances allow.  Based on this budget, the District Director of Health or her/his designee will determine the maximum amount per enrollee. Maximum Allowable Tuition Hours per Semester 

NKY Health may pay up to nine (9) undergraduate hours per employee per semester for a maximum of twenty one (21) undergraduate hours per employee per fiscal year.

NKY Health may pay up to six (6) graduate hours per employee per semester for a maximum of fifteen (15) graduate hours per employee per fiscal year.

During shortened sessions, tuition may be paid for up to three (3) semester hours per employee regardless of academic level. Maximum Allowable Tuition Hours per Quarter  

NKY Health may pay up to thirteen and one half (13 ½) undergraduate hours per employee per quarter for a maximum of thirty one and one half (31 ½) hours per employee per fiscal year.

NKY Health may pay up to nine (9) graduate hours per employee per quarter for a maximum of twenty two and one half (22 ½) hours per fiscal year.

During shortened sessions tuition may be paid for up to -four-and-one-half (4.5) quarter hours per employee regardless of academic level. Maximum Tuition Credit Hour Rate  

Depending on budget and other factors, tuition may be paid up to an approved maximum credit hour rate equal to the in-state rate for the same level of course at Northern Kentucky University paid as follows:

An employee choosing to attend institutions with higher per credit hour tuition or take additional hours/courses will be responsible for payment of all tuition in excess of the approved amount. Minimum Grade Required 

An employee must obtain a minimum of a "C" or equivalent in an undergraduate course, pass the test to obtain credit for a course without taking the course, or reimburse NKY Health for the tuition/fee paid for that course/test.

An employee must obtain a minimum of a "B" or equivalent in a graduate course, pass the test to obtain credit for a course without taking the course, or reimburse NKY Health for the tuition/fee paid for that course/test. Proof of Completion Required

An employee accepting tuition assistance must provide to Human Resources written proof of attaining the minimum grade required within one (1) calendar month of the end date of the course(s). Payback Period for Tuition

Tuition assistance will be paid back to NKY Health at the rate of one (1) calendar week worked per $100 paid (to be rounded to the nearest $100) following the date of completion of the course for which tuition was paid.

The payback weeks must run consecutively.

An employee who terminates for any reason other than layoff prior to her/his payback period must reimburse NKY Health for the remainder of the tuition paid on her/his behalf. Wait List for Tuition 

Human Resources will maintain a first-come-first-served wait list of staff who desire to take advantage of tuition assistance.  To be placed on the wait list initially, staff must e-mail Human Resources all of the following information:

To maintain their place on the wait list, staff must not be on unpaid leave.

When a vacancy opens, the next staff on the list will be notified of the vacancy via e-mail and be given seven calendar days to respond to the e-mail and let Human Resources know whether s/he will take advantage of the tuition assistance immediately or would prefer to be placed back on the wait list. Staff desiring to be placed back on the wait list will be placed at the bottom of the queue.

After confirming that s/he will take advantage of the tuition assistance, staff must process the normal completed tuition assistance application through the chain-of-command to Human Resources. Human Resources must receive this within nine months of receiving the staff’s confirmation that s/he will use the tuition benefit. (Staff may submit the completed application sooner as their program allows.) If the application does not reach HR within this timeframe or is not completed and approved, then Human Resources will contact the next staff on the list.

Securing a place on the wait list is the only way staff can initiate tuition assistance unless the District Director of Health makes an exception in writing. Staff on the wait list who decide NOT to apply for tuition assistance or whose situation changes must notify Human Resources by e-mail immediately.

Staff ending a program should notify Human Resources of their end date as soon as they know what it is as a courtesy to those on the wait list.

Staff may temporarily suspend enrollment in a program one-time for up to one fiscal year provided s/he notifies Human Resources by e-mail the length of time s/he intends to “sit out” and the date s/he intends to resume the program. This is not considered a drop out or program completion. Suspended enrollments spanning more than one fiscal year will need to re-apply for the wait list the same as a new enrollment.

4.2.13 Certification Reimbursement 

Depending on program allocations and other factors, NKY Health may reimburse all or part of the fee, travel time and mileage associated with successful completion of a program-specific certification which has a clear and direct relationship to the existing job duties of an employee and has been approved by the District Director of Health and/or her/his designee in advance. Any reimbursement will be paid one time per certification per employee. Eligibility for Certification Reimbursement 

A contract employee may be eligible for certification reimbursement for any program-specific certification(s).

A merit system employee may be eligible for certification reimbursement for any program-specific certification(s) related to her/his position and/or for any certifications newly required after she/he is hired into a position. Payback Period for Certification Reimbursement 

Certification will be paid back to NKY Health at a rate of three (3) calendar months worked per certification. Each certification will be paid back consecutively.

4.2.14 Worksite Wellness Program

NKY Health will maintain a worksite wellness program that may offer incentives to an employee to engage in voluntary activities which may improve and/or maintain her/his personal health.

(See the Worksite Wellness page of the Policies - Procedures - Forms site for details.)