
By Wynter and Rylee

Math is something that you will use in your everyday life. Math is very important to learn and its important you understand it so you are able to use it later on in your life. Ashlee Bayles said, " I was able to learn a lot of stuff in math this year about a bunch of different things. I actually really enjoy math!" Mrs. Mower, a math teacher at SJHS teaches many different things in math throughout the year, but she likes to teach her students that math is not just math. It is used in many other wonderful different things besides "standard math" like art, so for the last week of school Mrs. Mower is doing art mixed with math to help teach her students that math is fun and used for many different amazing things! Ashley Edwards says that she has been learning about transformations, Fractions, decimals, the volume of cones, cylinder, sphere, and the surface area. Her favorite thing that Ashley likes to do in math is a transformation quilt that she was able to make in class with her classmates. We've learned a lot this year and we're excited for the year to end and start a new year. Have fun and good luck!