In CTE classes, students learn about life skills like sewing, wood working, computers, cooking, adult skills like taking care of a baby. They learn these skills to be more prepared for life and work after high school.

Mr. Parker's Class recently did an "interview for a job" activity in class. Students dressed professionally and took turns interviewing each other for an entry level position in there local area.

Mrs Murray's and Mrs. Luke's classes are very much the same, they even share the same classroom, in fact the only difference seems to be that one teaches in the morning and the other teaches during the afternoon.

This is a class where kids learn how to cook, eat. Many student are in it or have friends that take this class at least once in their time here at SJHS. It seems to be a very loved coarse among the students. But what have they been doing this term?

We asked a student that attended Ms. Luke's class what has been going on in there. Here is what she said, " We have been doing Cannolis the past few days. I really love it because I just love doing foods."

When we asked them to give a description of the class one interviewee said, " We cook a lot of foods here and at home, we also learn food culture." (About what other country's foods are like.) They Stated the biggest thing they had done this term was a Demo. (Where you choose a food you can make and have to show the whole class how to bake it.)

Another student's favorite thing they did this term was, "Making Mac-in-cheese."

Mrs. Bird's Class:

Sewing has been around for years, it was mandatory that people learned to do it. Otherwise people would have been running around without clothes, or warmth, naked. Though after the industrial revolution hand making clothing started to get less and less popular. Now a days it seems rare to meet anyone under 16 that knew how to really sew. Not only that but the art of making food was also fading.

CTE with Mrs. Bird is a place to learn about domestic life skills and learn how to eat better. We wanted to learn more about how this term has been going for students in this class, so we asked.

We asked a student that attended Ms. Bird's class what has been going on in there. Here is what she said, " We have been just finishing up and we also had just finished making our pajama pants. I really like sewing because it is a lot of fun. "

By Makailee Turner and Grace Ashby