by Rylee and Maliyah

Sewing is a fun but challenging thing to do. Mrs bird is the sewing teacher here at sjhs. In the sports sewing class you learn how to make outdoor apparel. such as dufflebags camping gear spanks dance wear etc. At Springville there is also an apparel design class, in this class we learn how to upsicle/DIY. during the school year students learn how to make an accessory kit, overnight bag, beach bags and or also able to design a mystery project of there choice. Students taking this class are additionally able to take a very exciting field trip to SLCC. In past experience with this class I had a personal experience and I was able to join this class learn how to make a lot of clothes and things that I am able to use to this day. all in all I would very much recommend this class it is very exciting and teaches you how to be a great sewer and teaches you skill's that you will use for the rest of your life.

In foods class you learn how to make all different types of good foods, its a good class to take because you are able to do this your whole life. it is one of the most important skills to learn. It is an experience that you will value for all of your life. foods is a really fun class to take. you are able to experiment with different foods, you are able to eat everything you make in that class and it is very nice because it gives you a little snack during the day. when asked what her favorite thing about foods is Wynter Smith said " she always would forget to eat in the morning so it would give her a snack during the day." this is a really good class to take in junior high and many people would recommend it.

In woodshop you are able to learn about all the safety rules that you can use to help keep you safe when you are working with tools like saws drills etc. Karson Benson was in 9th grade wood shop. "I made a saw and a box in this class, it was really fun. This is another great skill to have in your life. this is definitely a good class to take if you are interested in building cool things.

Teen living is a good class to take to learn how to handle stress and how to cope with things in life. They give you tips on how to make the relationships in your life very strong, how to have good communication skills etc. In this class you learn how to be a good parent and you are able to carry around flour baby's. most students that have been in teen living have liked this class a lot. And will value this experience for the rest of your life.

computer science is an amazing class to take. you have to take it in high school but it is offered at the junior high so you can get it done early. In this class you are tought how to do algorithms and parts of the computer such as the inside and outside of the computer. you also go over how to solve problems and learn about how computers solve problems verses how humans solve them. We also learn the good and bad parts of the computer. they also go over concepts and terms about the language and vocabulary etc. in conclusion you will learn a lot about computers in this class. if you like computers we would really recommend this class.