
By Maliyah Maye

Track: Track is a good physical activity and can help you get fit and many other things. This also gives great opportunities and gets you ready for sports in high school. When asked why she liked track Morgan roper said "yes because you get to make new friends that have your same interests. Making friends with your same interests is important because for some kids in junior high it can be very difficult to make friends in junior high and this gives the option of making new friends in something that you love to do. She also shared with me that she got 1st place in 4-5 races. Another fact she shared with me is that when they didn't have any long jumpers she stepped in and by the end of the season got 3rd in the district. In conclusion track is definitely something that I would recommend trying.

Student Council: Many of the student council members this year valued slimier things. The most common thing I heard as I was interviewing was there favorite thing this year was making new friends that they would have not have met if it weren't for student council. When asked if they enjoyed being on student council Jake Follette said " yes because your busy and its fun." when asked the same question Gavin Jones said " yes because it offers a lot more opportunities then I would have had otherwise." ; Student council offers many options and opportunities. This is also very fun and gives you fun activities to do during the school year and teaches you to be a good leader. I would highly recommend running for student council next year.

Hope Squad: Hope squad is a club that helps to lift people up and empower people to do good things and create good things and come up with ideas that will make an impact on the students here at Springville junior high school. in response to what they do in hope squad Sicily Fischio said "We work together to motivate people and to lift people up and to really notice struggling students. In addition she said that " being on hope squad and seeing the impact teamwork can make. and the hope people have can bring people together." When asked what her favorite thing about hope squad that she did was help put together hope week. Hope squad really has made an impact to help people in a way that could not have happened otherwise.

National junior honor society: national junior honor society is a club that does service, Help people and have fun. When asked if he liked national junior honor society Cameron Ottley said "yes because it was fun he also said that he recommend people do it next year as well. This is also a club that you can meet new friends in like many other clubs this offers many new opportunities. Mrs.Ottley a teacher at our school is the advisor of this club.

Parent-teacher-student association: Like national junior honor society PTSA is an organization that likes to do a lot of service projects and projects that are mostly outside of school. Some cool projects that they did were teacher appreciation week, sock hop dance, lunch games, pumpkin patch, planting flowers at town hall in Springville. They do many things that help teachers students and many others.